Re: [anjuta-devel] Project manager UI suggestions


I have committed the changes for the properties dialogs:

1. The project root appears in the project tree view. You have to select it to change the project properties.

2. The Project->Properties menu item open the properties of the currently selected node (or the project properties by default).

3. I have added a "Browse other node" expander in the properties dialog to allow selecting another node. It looks like the "Browse other directory" of the Save As dialog. I have tried to use a combo box at the beginning, but even on a small project is really too slow ( even if using a list box instead of menu items.

I think it's a bit annoying that the project directory name appears two times in the project view, one time for the root node and one time for the project directory. It matches the way it works inside, the root node represent the file, while the directory node is the I could merge both nodes and include in the root node all properties of the project directory group. Do you think it worths it ?

I like the expander of the properties dialog, I could use the expander in the Add Source, Add Library, New Target and New Directory dialog to make them smaller. It's less important than for the properties dialog because these dialog are already quite short. Do you think it's useful ?



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