Re: [anjuta-devel] Project manager UI suggestions


Perhaps, I can remove the Add module dialog and add it somewhere in the 
target properties dialog. Or have only one Add libraries dialog which is 
displaying the current Add module dialog if a target is selected and the 
current Add package dialog in other cases. You can still get the Add 
package dialog from the Add module dialog.

I like the idea of the "Add libraries" dialog. Sounds much more like
that task the user wants to achieve.

Another solution is to consider that a new user has to understand how 
autotools is working anyway and rather make more effort to write better 
tutorials. They can be accessible from the start page. To go a bit 
further, we could provide interactive tutorials, like in games, asking 
the user to create a project step by step. But it's quite some work.

We started that a bit on the hackfest but still I think the user doesn't
really need to understand autotools to write an application and we
should leave it out of his way most of the time.

I don't know if you have seen it but recently, I have added some 
tooltips to all target or group properties. I think it's needed to give 
more explanation to the user. I have added it to both the label and the 
entry. Perhaps it would be better to add them only to the label as it 
can be a bit annoying for more experienced user. What do you think ?

Haven't looked at it but the idea sounds good. Adding them only to the
labels is what other applications usually do.

Another thing which is annoying me, is that some properties are very 
uncommon like Fortran compiler flags. So, I would prefer to hide them. 
Previously, I have put an expander to hide all properties which have 
their default value. I think you have remove them but I'm agree that 
it's perhaps better now. Perhaps I can put the properties with a default 
value at the end and resize the dialog to show only properties with a 
non default value. This dialog needs to have a scrollbar anyway. Do you 
have another ideas ? By example a combo where you can select new 
properties ?

Just an idea, don't know if that's possible:
The whole properties dialog could be a GtkTreeView which display a list
like that:

CFLAGS   | -g -O2

Either we only show the flags that are really set and give the user an
add/remove button where the first column becomes a combobox where the
user can choose the appropriate flag or we just grey out all flags that
aren't used.

Of course anything that isn't related to CFLAGS/JAVAFLAGS/VALAFLAGS,
whatever would still be a single entry or checkbox.

This way the whole dialog could also be smaller and scrolling would be
more convenient than scrolling just the whole dialog.

Finally, perhaps it would be useful to be able to display the target or 
the group properties dialog from the Project main menu item. I have seen 
several users on the IRC which don't know how to set target properties. 
The annoying things is that we need the project properties dialog too. 
One solution could be to display the root node in the project view so 
you can set project properties by selecting it. Do you have some other 
ideas ?

Hmm, that one is tricky. Ideally, we would want to provide a shortcut to
edit the first executable target because that is what new users will hit

Another idea would be to add some buttons to the project-view window
that make it more obvious that you can edit somewhere there than the

But this needs some more discussion probably.


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