Re: [anjuta-devel] Rethinking the AnjutaProjectNode API


              في ث، 16-08-2011 عند 23:24 +0200 ، كتب Sébastien Granjoux:
I'm not asking for a change in behavior, the correct behavior is fine
with me. Even if the source file is used by multiple targets, I could
work with whatever target I get.
What I was asking for is more cosmetic: changing the name of those
functions so they appear as methods of the node in the bindings.

What do you think of the attached patch?

This is the solution I was thinking about. Another idea (that could be
used in addition to this) is to use a hash table instead of a list to
ease lookups, or maybe not: it might be enough to just have a
lookup_property method.

I think we shouldn't have much properties so I don't think it's really 
useful to use a hash table.

Then for the id string could you use a constant?
I mean that the id string is only the address of a constant. It even 
doesn't need to be a string and you check it with a pointer comparison.

Or do you need a real string?
I mean you have to check it using string comparison.

I think a string is better when you think about high level languages:
the address of a constant + pointer comparison is (Ok in C; hackish in
Vala; impossible in Python) while string comparison is (cumbersome in C;
Ok in Vala; Ok in Python).

I'll try to write a patch for this.


Attachment: 0001-libanjuta-rename-anjuta_project_-_get_node_from_file.patch
Description: Text Data

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