Re: [anjuta-devel] Application for the anjuta project


I have submitted a application for the anjuta project here
Johannes Schmid suggust me to contribute something (bug-fix, small
feature, etc.) to anjuta. Hope you can give me some suggestions and
bring me something(in a little details) to do.

As I already mentioned you need to extend and clarify your proposal a
lot so that it is useful. Currently it doesn't say much more than I
mentioned on the wiki page about possible projects. And please give it a
better title.

I looked at the list of bugs but didn't find anything that would be
quick and easy to fix at the moment. One of the easier is probably which involves
creating a new popup-menu item (in the .xml file and plugin.c, both in
plugins/file-manager) and connect that to open nautilus with the
currently open directory.


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