Re: [anjuta-devel] Python debugger


Le 21/08/2010 13:38, Abderrahim KITOUNI a écrit :
  Then, what do you mean by overriding a callback ? Could you tell me which
function cannot be implemented in python ?
most of the debugger functions cannot.

You tell in the bug reports that you cannot pass callback to virtual functions (I have missed this before writing the previous email) that's it ?

Yes, that's the problem : you cannot call a callback from python.
PyGObject supports marshalling callbacks from python to C but not the
other way around. I've tried to implement it, but I've found strange

It was possible with PyGtk as I have written the debugger using winpdb. Do you know if it's still supported ? I haven't follow the changes with PyGtk what is the difference with PyGObject ?



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