Re: [orca-list] Help installing TTSynth for Orca in Ubuntu 8.10


Try installing the package with

sudo dpkg-i ttsynthcore-1.0-i386.deb

This may fail due to missing dependancies.

To correct the dependancies run

sudo apt-get -f install

You will be prompted to enter your serial number as part of the postinst script which wont run until all dependancies are met.

I hope this helps.


----- Original Message ----- From: "djden (Dennis Freedman)" <djden thejazzden org uk>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:32 AM
Subject: [orca-list] Help installing TTSynth for Orca in Ubuntu 8.10

Hello Listers

I am having trouble installing TTSYNTH for use with Orca into my Ubuntu 8.10 system.

I have purchased and downloaded the Debian package TTSYNTHCORE-1.0-I386 and have a licence key.

I have been distracted by the (rather old I think) homepage telling me that the dependencies and libraries needed are no longer supported in Ubuntu, but have heard from other sources that all is now back!

Any help welcomed from a newbie (smile) as to where to go from here--I can extract the files and get a read-only list of what's in the archive but can't install, and can find no information as to where and when to insert the licence key.

With thanks in advance.


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