Re: Questions to the candidates

<quote who="Anne Østergaard">

> Will you apply for the position as new Executive Director for GNOME?
> Will you apply for any paid position within GNOME while serving as board
> member?

Unlikely, although I have considered it in the past. It would be foolish to
rule anything out. Enough people have asked me about it that it seems to be
in the realm of possibility.

> Will you attend at least 90% of the board calls?

I'd try, but as anyone who has been on the Board will attest (and those who
have been on the Board while living in GMT+10 and above would INSIST) it is
difficult to attend *every* meeting in between the average business, travel
and personal commitments of GNOME Board members. Hopefully the meeting time
will be somewhat more compatible with my timezone... but looking at the list
of candidates, I somewhat doubt it. ;-)

> Can you accept competing official ISO standards?

Absolutely. It is ISO's role to facilitate the development of standards in a
coherent, transparent manner, not to determine the market demand for a given
standard. I think it's extremely short-sighted to protest OOXML on the basis
of "competing standards" given that standards exist for technologies that we
are very likely to want true Free standards for in the future - for example,
video encoders and decoders.

> What is your position towards official standards that do not meet the
> gennerally accepted definition of a free and open standard. Such as
> Microsoft OOXML?

That is an extremely loaded question, so I can only refer to my sigquote for
the appropriate response.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
        "If you have any poo, fling it now." - Mason the Chimpanzee,

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