Re: beyond text Re: Attaching Meta-Data

You are talking about synonym expansion.

This needs more than a standard ispell/aspell type dictionary, as you
need the semantic relationships of words. The only big, not-paid-for,
dataset like this that I know of is WordNet, which is english; I think
there are efforts to make similar sets for some European languages.

It is only rarely useful; many search engines used it in the late 90s,
but it is not now normally turned on. It mildly increases recall, but
vastly reduces relevance; most searches return too many items anyway, so
this is not often wanted.

In many cases, a good thesaurus tool (a front end to WordNet?) will
allow you to do the expansion youself.


On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 16:16 -0700, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 10:05 -0500, darryl vandorp wrote:
> > > 
> > > It would rock if it used aspell or some other dictionary that wasn't
> > > online.  Setting up a query driver for the google spell checker would
> > > be a good start though.
> > > 
> > > -- joe g.
> > > 
> > > 
> > There's also the dict protocol I don't know if there's a c-sharp
> > library for that somewhere.
> > 
> > -darryl
> hmmm.. I think I was not clear in my previous post.  Well.. what I meant
> by "Dictionary search" was:
> 	* search the "beagle-backend" for the "synonyms" of the user entered
> "query word".
> 	For example:  "There has been a serious debate/disagreement on a
> particular feature being implemented in a tool and lot of mails, docs,
> chat logs are available as a record.  Now, if user wants to search on it
> and he doesn't know the exact word but knows to the extent that 'there
> was a debate/dispute'.".
> 	In such scenarios, he can very well say "dispute" and select
> "Dictionary search" and he gets a hit list that satisfies:
> 	* Docs, mails, chat-logs, web pages, etc., that contain the keyword
> "dispute" or "debate" or "disagreement" or "quarrel" or "argumentation"
> or "discussion" etc.
> Maybe that the example that I stated above is not good, but, I just
> wanted to explain what I meant by "Dictionary" search.
> Cheers,
> V. Varadhan.
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