Re: [xslt] crappy formatting with <xsl:text>

On Fri, July 29, 2011 8:43 am, Jan Kotuc wrote:
> I sort of gave up. Instead of my desired inclusion link, I have XSLT
> produce a meaningless element <span class="replacement"/>, and then I
> let "sed" run through the file and replace that element with
> "&inclusion-link;".
> Guaranteed to work like a charm on every Linux/Unix and gives me valid
> and neatly-formatted XML DocBook file...

You could bypass the entity reference and xsl:text problem by using
XInclude [1][2], e.g.:

   <xi:include href="god-save-the-queen.xml"

When transforming your XML to something else, you'd use '--xinclude' on
the xsltproc command line (or just add a template to your stylesheet that
does the right thing for <xi:include>).


Tony Graham                                   tgraham mentea net
Mentea       13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
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