Re: [xslt] crappy formatting with <xsl:text>

I sort of gave up. Instead of my desired inclusion link, I have XSLT
produce a meaningless element <span class="replacement"/>, and then I
let "sed" run through the file and replace that element with

Guaranteed to work like a charm on every Linux/Unix and gives me valid
and neatly-formatted XML DocBook file...


On 7/27/11, Jan Kotuc <jkotuc gmail com> wrote:
> Thanks, than is there a way to achieve the desired output without
> using the <xsl:text> element?
> Jan
> On 7/27/11, Nick Wellnhofer <wellnhofer aevum de> wrote:
>> That's the way the indenting works in libxml2. As soon as an element
>> containing a text node is found, indenting is disabled for all the
>> contents of that element. So if you had something like the following,
>> everything should work as expected:
>> <another-element>
>>      <xsl:text
>> disable-output-escaping="yes">&#38;some-link-name;</xsl:text>
>> </another-element>
>> If the entity reference must be created inside the chapter element, then
>> I don't think there's a way to achieve indenting.
>> Nick

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