Re: [xslt] Any interest in an alternative syntax for XSLT?

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 10:04:05AM -0600, Danny Brian wrote:
> >>C'mon Daniel! libxslt2!
> >
> >  You're looking for at least 6 months of programming and debugging
> >full time by someone who know the library and the associated specs.
> >I suggest you hire Kasimier to implement it if you really need it.
> >I don't have time, my employeer won't let me get 6 months off for it
> >and honnestly I don't blame them. Print the set of associated specs,
> >weight them, print the XPath1/XSLT-1 specs, weight them, It took me
> >around 1 year to get the latter done, compare the weights, make a
> >linear estimation and take into consideration experience done with  
> >first
> >set. Then you can make your own estimation of how long it's gonna take
> >if you try to do it, or try to get someone to do it for you.
> >  Now can you tell me why you needed that amount of work to be done
> >other than "I would very much like it" ?
> I was neither suggesting that you do it alone, nor was I being  
> completely serious. The exclamation points here are meant to be half- 
> sarcastic "egging-you-on", because I know how you feel about it from  
> previous discussions. I'm well aware of the work involved and that  
> you do not have the time.

  Okay, I didn't catch that, sorry. Still the technical and work challenge
remains ...

> What I would "very much like" is to see a C/C++ XSLT 2 project begun,  
> by you, by me, by someone, and this is a good place to discuss it.  
> And I did say that there were willing code/funds contributors; I  
> happen to know this because my employer retains both. I'll take the  
> issue off the list with Kasimier and others.

  Now that could be very good news :) !


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
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