Re: [xslt] Trouble with EXSLT 'function' element

Frans Englich said:
> On Monday 17 October 2005 12:21, William M. Brack wrote:
>> drkm said:
>> >   Anyway, is it normal the 'func:function' element is not displayed by
>> > the '--dumpextensions' option?
>> >
>> >   Thanks,
>> >
>> > --drkm
>> Yes.  The --dumpextensions option to xsltproc indicates the extensions
>> which have been "compiled into" the program / library, and not any function
>> which is defined within the stylesheet (so you will get exactly the same
>> output if you just execute 'xsltproc --dumpextensions').
> I think you misunderstood drkm's question. I think he was referring to the
> func:function extension element, and that isn't supplied by any stylesheet
> but by libxslt, from what I know.
> Running `xsltproc  --dumpextensions' on my setup with 2.6.21/1.1.15/8.12 gives
> this section:
> Registered Extension Elements:
> {}document
> {}result
> {}test
> The `result' element shows but not the the `function' element. I don't know
> its relevance, but I think drkm got a point.
> Cheers,
> 		Frans

Yes, you are correct - I did mis-understand the question.  However, the answer
to this is not easy to explain - basically within exslt terminology there are
two different kinds of "extension elements".  The "function" element is what
is sometimes called a "top-level" (i.e. may only appear as a child of the
stylesheet, and not within a template) element.  In xslt terminology, this
means it is *not* an extension element (which can only be within a template). 
This subject has been discussed at length on various mailing lists, and I have
absolutely no interest in getting involved with it :-).  I will only conclude
by noting that the fact it doesn't appear within the "Registered Extension
Elements" is not a bug, but rather by design.


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