Re: [xslt] key() in match pattern of xsl:key

On 2005-12-12 13:38:28 -0500, Joel E. Denny wrote:
> The total O(n*log(n)) is better than O(n^2), but lookup time for the final 
> RTF would be O(n) rather than the O(1) for real keys.  Of course, the n 
> here is much smaller than the n of the original document. Nevertheless, it 
> would be nice to be able to construct a key off of the final RTF, but keys 
> referencing variables is prohibited in XSLT 1.0 (even before the errata), 
> and I've already seen posts from Daniel supporting that rule.

An idea would be to try to generate an intermediate RTF (with enough
information in it) in such a way that keys referencing variables would
no longer be useful.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent vinc17 org> - Web: <>
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