Re: [xslt] bug? warning given as error

On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 03:14  AM, Daniel Veillard wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 09:11:26PM -0400, S Woodside wrote:
>> This seems like a possible bug in Apache::AxKit::Provider::File. For a
>> document() call on a non-existing file, xsltproc gives a warning, on
>> the same test files AxKit gives an error.
>> Using libxml 20506, libxslt 10029 and libexslt 719
>> AxKit 1.6.1
>   The spec states in section 12.1 Multiple Source Documents
>  "If there is an error retrieving the resource, then the XSLT processor
>   may signal an error; if it does not signal an error, it must recover
>   by returning an empty node-set."
> So both behaviours are correct.
Yes, I know. However the xsltproc behaviour is more useful ... so 
perhaps it is not a bug but a feature request then, to interpret the 
spec towards the warning and not the error, in 
Apache::AxKit::Provider::File or wherever the relevant code is living.


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