Re: [xslt] disable-output-escaping disfunctional

> > Well, it is at least clear to me, that there is no way to make that 
> > disable-output-escaping work there, and we need to add a postprocessor 
> > that runs after xsltproc to make the output ready for PHP.
>   Maybe the premice is true, but the conclusion might be a bit hasty.
> What is it exactly that you are trying to generate, there might be
> better ways than disable-output-escaping ...

Well, I have found out that putting those things
into PI generating XSL tags, the output-escaping
gets disabled. I hope it is not a bug of xsltproc :),
though it seems it is form the spec:

| Thus, it is an error to disable output escaping for
| an xsl:value-of or xsl:text element that is used to
| generate the string-value of a comment, processing
| instruction or attribute node

I would be said, if it turns out that this is a bug,
and it gets fixed...

BTW what I would like to generate are PHP associative array
structures, which are defined this way:

$colors = array(
    "grass" => "green",
    "lemon" => "yellow"

Here > is needed, and it is quite odd looking to
generate some other code to fill in the array, just
to not contain >...


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