Re: [xslt] Multi valued parameters

On Tue, 29 May 2001, Daniel Veillard wrote:

> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 03:29:52AM +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > Are multi valued parameters no longer allowed with libxslt 0.10? And if
> > not, why not?
> > 
> > $ xsltproc --param incoming foo --param incoming bar test.xsl test.xml
> > Global parameter incoming already defined
> > (then the output of the stylesheet)
>   Right I completely changed this part of the evaluation.
> > Is this just a warning that I can ignore? (it worked silently with 0.9).
>   Hum, yes, but I don't understand. Did you do it on-purpose
> (in that case what's the semantic ?) or is this just a small error ?

Yes I did it on purpose. Imagine a server side stylesheet getting
parameters from a form - a multi-valued select box for example.

>   I don't have troubles removing the error message, but IHMO the user
> should be warned that his parameter may have been ignored if an intermediate
> layer redefined the same variable. Don't you think so ?

I'm not sure what the correct behaviour is (I was sent the test by someone
better at XSLT than myself :-). I can check in Mike Kay's book though if
you like.


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