Re: [xslt] Export problems (and a solution, of course)

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 09:41:52PM +0100, Igor Zlatkovic wrote:
> Hi there.
> The following is within the realm of Windows and MS compiler, exclusively.
> While placating the xsltdbg beast, I found some inconsistencies in libxslt
> which stopped the show. The patch which lets the wheel roll again is
> attached to this message.
> In most cases, the problem was the declaration of LIBXSLT_PUBLIC macro as
> empty. This doesn't prevent a proper variable export, but it does prevent
> proper variable import, when a client program includes a libxslt header.
> This macro is now declared in several places and that is slowly converging
> towards a bad practice, I know. Soon I must sit down and clean up all these
> definitions, put them in a single place and so on.
> So, here is what the patch contains:
> 1. libxslt.h: LIBXSLT_PUBLIC macro repair.
> 2. xslt.h: LIBXSLT_PUBLIC macro repair.
> 3. LIBXSLT_PUBLIC macro repair.
> 4. directed the include path to the right file.
> I have changed the export list as well. The content of the
> goes to it's usual place.
> By the way, these changes fix those DLL-related problems which recently
> arose.

  Okay, applied, thanks.

BTW I won't be reachable for one week as I will be on the road.

  happy Xmas,


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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