FAQ (was Re: [xslt] How to use command line variables?)

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 12:02:20AM +0200, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> Isn't it a FAQ?
> The values are XPath expressions. If you want to set a string value, you
> have to use «--param my-global-param "'the-value'"» for example, or
> «--param my-global-param \"the-value\"»
> Also, be sure to have a top-level <xsl:param name="my-global-variable"/> in
> your stylesheet (they are commented out in your example)

It is indeed a frequently asked question, but we don't seem to have an
FAQ yet. I'll be happy to start working one up, if you all can suggest
a couple more questions that have come up repeatedly (an FAQ with just
one Question and one Answer would look a bit silly).

In the meantime, I also can add a brief mention of this issue on the
"how to use xsltproc" section of the main libxslt web page.

John Fleck
jfleck@inkstain.net (h), http://www.inkstain.net/fleck/

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