Re: [xml] performance of parsing docbook with xincludes

On 05/17/2018 01:40 AM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:
So again, the first time, put it on your machine and use an IP (or localhost if you can which goes straight to the TCP/IP stack -- never goes to the network).  Also, you can do one other tacky thing I do ... sometimes when I see things like that and I don't need it, I just change libxml2 -- and put comments so I can update.  I have 2-3 of those.  libxml2 tries to satisfy the entire world ... you only need to make you happy :-)  You might also consider a static link if doing that -- safer if customer loads a different version, and it keeps loading itself from changing anything, and the program loads faster, etc.

Sure, that's where we are now. I am looking for this change to help other developers, so I'll need to find a solution that can be merged into libxml2. But thanks for the input.



On 5/15/2018 3:42 AM, Nick Wellnhofer wrote:
On 14/05/2018 21:48, Stefan Sauer wrote:
This part looks suspicious:

                |          xmlFreeDoc
                |          |
                |           --22.42%--xmlFreeDtd

Can I tell it to not load dtds in the first place? Is it loading the dtd for each an every xinclude?

Good catch. It seems that the XInclude engine always parses included docs with XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD:

If you're not using XML catalogs, this will probably cause the DTD to be loaded over the network multiple times which could explain the slowdown.

Can you try to change the line to

    xmlCtxtUseOptions(pctxt, ctxt->parseFlags);

and see if it helps?

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xml gnome org

Eric S. Eberhard
2933 W Middle Verde Road
Camp Verde, AZ  86322

928-567-3727  work                      928-301-7537  cell             (our work)     (fun pictures)

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