Re: [xml] Availability of libxml2-2.9.4 release candidate 2 - regexp

  Hi Pete,

On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 10:02:28AM +0100, Pete Cordell wrote:
Thanks Daniel.  I've managed to verify that the ab?c{0,1} pattern now works.
But the following pattern still appears to fail:


  Right, I gave it 30mn, looked at the graph buildup, epsilon transition
and state reduction, and then the advance through the state machine
(it's a non-determinist one with rollbacks) and somehow the rollback to pick
24 instead of 2{1,2} works in the first 24. occurence but not the second
one, didn't finished and decided to let this for after the rc2 release

Also, I see you haven't had a chance to put the test vectors in the
test/regexp dir.  If you let me know what form you'd like them in I could
submit something as a patch / copy of files / whatever.

  a git diff with the new tests and results would be great if you can
provide it :-)

  thanks !


Thanks again,


On 09/05/2016 03:56, Daniel Veillard wrote:
   As planned I tagged in git a release candidate 2, and pushed to the
server the signed tarball and rpms for rc2:

   I will run this on my machine until the release and try to see if there
is any nastyness popping up. I suggest others to do so too for their workload !

  I still have pending patches, but most likely next week end I will push the
final 2.9.4, if things don't look nice I may push an rc3 instead.

   Please give it some testing and report,

     thanks !


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Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | virtualization library

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