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13 February 2014
[xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPAN wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and other systems?
Shlomi Fish
14 February 2014
Re: [xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPA N wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and ot her systems?
Re: [xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPAN wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and other systems?
Nick Wellnhofer
17 February 2014
Re: [xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPAN wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and other systems?
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPAN wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and other systems?
Shlomi Fish
Re: [xml] Why does XML::LibXSLT (= the Perl 5 / CPAN wrappers for libxslt) Fails a Basic Test on some BSD and other systems?
Nick Wellnhofer
21 February 2014
[xml] [BUG+FIX] valid.c erroneously ignores a validation error if no error callback set
Stefan Behnel
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