Re: [xml] xinclude and xmlParseChunk

On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 09:00:12PM +0000, Lucian Smith wrote:
* Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> [2011-03-02 06:31] writes:
On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 10:14:30PM +0000, Lucian Smith wrote:
Hello, all.  I am investigating how to modify a system that currently uses 
libxml, with its core parsing done by calling the function 

I would like to expand the capabilities of the system to allow it to 
expand xinclude directives.  However, all the ways I have discovered to do 
this seem to be incompatible with only using xmlParseChunk--the 
'xmlCtxtUseOptions' function does not even check the XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE 

Is there any way to access xinclude auto-expansion within 'xmlParseChunk'?  
Or am I going to have to pre-process or post-process the data?

xmlParseChunk is somehow a hack, as it not full proper XML parsing.

XInclude itself is not integrated in the parse phase, it's always a
post processing option, for example "xmllint --xinclude" just calls
xmlXIncludeProcessFlags() on the resulting document.

You will have to use xmlXIncludeProcessTreeFlags() on all the top
element node that xmlParseChunk may return to you.

Aha--thanks!  That's good to know.  As far as I can tell, xmlParseChunk   
does not return any xmlNodePtr's--am I wrong?

 my mistake, I though you were using a different API. In that case
you have a document which is buiilt progressively, and if you can
wait until the end of the parse to handle XInclude, then
xmlXIncludeProcessFlags() on the ctxt->doc should be just fine


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel veillard com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library

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