[xml] Possible XML Schema bug when restricting a complexType list

Dear libxml2 developers,

I'm trying to validate this document (doc.xml):

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <list>10 20</list>

against the attached XML schema (schema.xsd).
In short, the XML schema defines:

    simpleType "IntegerList"
        - a list (<xs:list>) of integers

    complexType "IntegerListComplex"
        - the complexType version of "IntegerList"

    complexType "IntegerListComplexLength2"
        - restricts "IntegerListComplex" to length 2

    element <list>
        - type "IntegerListComplexLength2"

A simple validation via:

    xmllint --noout --schema schema.xsd doc.xml

fails with the message (edited for better readability):

    element complexType:
    Schemas parser error:
    local list type:
    A type, derived by list or union, must have
    the simple ur-type definition as base type,
    not '{http://my.example/schema}IntegerList'.
    WXS schema schema.xsd failed to compile

This behaviour is identical in release 2.6.27 and in the
current SVN version.

The error message is thrown in xmlschemas.c, line 15092.

Is this a bug, or does the standard really prohibit this
construction? Should I file a bug report?



Volker Grabsch
NotJustHosting GbR

Attachment: doc.xml
Description: application/xml

Attachment: schema.xsd
Description: Text document

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