Re: [xml] Forcing the xml:base attribute for included files in the same directory

On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 08:39:02AM -0400, Catherine Proulx wrote:


I have a question regarding the omission of the xml:base attribute when
including a file located in the same directory as the includer. I've
read, in an old newsgroup post, that this was done on purpose
when the xml:base support was implemented

  yes on purpose to give the people using DocBook/TEI/... a way to
use XInclude without getting invalidity errors until their DTDs got

Is there a workaround for this? In other words, is there
a way I could force the parser to add the xml:base attribute for all
inclusions, regardless of their directory?

  There is no way directly code is in xinclude.c around line 1681.

I'm hoping to implement an error-reporting and coverage tool for
xml-embedded code, and using the xml:base attribute seems like the least
invasive way to locate a code snippet. (I'm using libxml 2.6.22 by the
way, but could consider an upgrade if essential. However, nothing in the
release notes indicated that this behavior had changed)  Of course, we
can always
move the files around so that includer files will always be in a
directory of their own. But I'd prefer a more elegant solution if possible.

  I'm not sure the xml:base is really the right thing to use. For example
when a tree gets processed with XInclude, libxml2 inserts XML_XINCLUDE_START
and XML_XINCLUDE_END nodes around every included fragment in the resulting
tree (unless asked to not do that with XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE parser option).
Your code could just walk the resulting tree and locate and analyze them.
That sounds way cleaner and safer in general.


Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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