Hi , According to standard, PE reference must not occur outside DTD. Well-formedness constraint: In DTD Parameter-entity references MUST NOT appear outside the DTD.
So, If my xml document is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT root (a, b)> <!ELEMENT a EMPTY> <!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA | c)*> <!ELEMENT c ANY> <!ENTITY inContent "<b>General entity reference in element content</b>"> <!ENTITY % paaa "wrong"> ]> <!--* content: element|CharData|Reference|CDSect|PI|CDSect|PI|Comment *--> <root> <a/> <b> <!-- there is an empty element in the above line --> <c/> CharData: content of b element %paaa; : PE reference should not be recognized in element content <c> <?PIcontent anyProcessingInstruction?> <!-- Comment content --> &inContent; Charater reference: A CDSect in content: <![CDATA[ <html>markups<head>HEAD</head><body>nothing</body></html> ]]></c> </b> </root> <!--* test P43 *--> -------------------------------------------------------- And here I have used PE reference paaa outside DTD , shouldn’t it be a fatal error. Please clarify.
Regards, Murali