[xml] Regarding Internal & External Subset CallBacks During Sax Parsing


   While parsing using Sax callbacks, as soon as the Doctype Decl is encountered we are bound to get an internal subset callback as well as an external subset callback irrespective of the fact whether an internal subset is present or not.


From what I have understood we should get only an internal subset callback in the following case:-

<!Doctype rootelement [

       <!ENITITY corpname “HTIPL”>



Only an external subset call back in the following case:-

<!Doctype rootelement SYSTEM “elem-dtd.dtd”>


And both external & internal subset callbacks in the following case:-

<!Doctype rootelement SYSTEM “elem-dtd.dtd” [

       <!ENITITY corpname “HTIPL”>



However currently we get an internal subset callback followed by an external subset callback in each of the three cases. Is this behaviour correct?




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