Re: [xml] Help Required

Thanks Tim,

I think what I will do is start with a clean slate and take into account
what Coleman said. Just add the libraries in the Object/Library modules
area and call the functions as normal. However there was also mention to
place the dll related files in the exe directory from where the
application runs. 

I am going to give this a try and if unsuccessful then I will place the
lib files in the include area as suggested by yourself.

I will come back to everyone on this issue.

Thanks for the input.


Xen Cloete

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Van Holder [mailto:tim vanholder anubex com] 
Sent: 01 March 2007 04:29
To: Xen Cloete
Cc: xml gnome org
Subject: Re: [xml] Help Required

Xen Cloete wrote:
I assume you mean Visual C++ 6.0, not one of the newer .NET ones.
Yip that's correct. VC++ 6.00. 

Forgive me for asking the obvious: did you add libxml2.lib to the
"Object/library modules" field of the Link tab of the Project
Yip it certainly has been added. See my setting with the reply to

Actually in that mail you say:

In the workspace area, mine is situated on the left:
Header files:
      All xml header file are included here

Adding third party headers explicitly to your project is usually a bad
idea (although it can work). Better to just put them where the compiler
can find them.
The easiest way is to copy them to <VC6 Install Dir>\VC98\INCLUDE (and
put the .lib in <VC6 Install Dir>\VC98\LIB).

Resource files:

It don't think this causes them to be linked in, so this is pretty

              Object/library modules:
              Ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
winspool.lib                  comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib
ole32.lib oleaut32.lib                uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

That looks like the regular set of Windows libs - libxml2.lib (and
iconv.lib) are conspicuously absent, even though you say you have them.

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