[xml] Purify reports invalid pointers in MT appl

Hi all.

Purify reports lots of
- "IPW: Invalid pointer write"
- "IPR: Invalid pointer read"
- xmlReaderForMemory() with an invalid base URL
- xmlTextReaderSchemaValidate() with a relative xsd path
in a multithreaded application.

If I do the same in a singlethreaded application everything's fine.

How serious do I need to take this?

My environment:
SunOS 5.8 (sparc), GCC 3.4.3, libxml2 2.6.29

- xmlSample.c                 (singlethreaded program)
- pur_xmlSample.log           (purify report, everything fine)
- xmlSampleMT.c               (multithreaded program)
- pur_xmlSampleMT.log         (purify report, everything fine)
- pur_xmlSampleMT_invUrl.log  (purify report with invalid url)
- pur_xmlSampleMT_relPath.log (purify report with relative path)
- output.txt                  (program output)
- Document.xsd                (xml schema)

Thank you,

Attachment: xmlSample.c
Description: xmlSample.c

Attachment: pur_xmlSample.log
Description: pur_xmlSample.log

Attachment: xmlSampleMT.c
Description: xmlSampleMT.c

Attachment: pur_xmlSampleMT.log
Description: pur_xmlSampleMT.log

Attachment: pur_xmlSampleMT_invUrl.log
Description: pur_xmlSampleMT_invUrl.log

Attachment: pur_xmlSampleMT_relPath.log
Description: pur_xmlSampleMT_relPath.log

Attachment: output.txt
Description: output.txt

Attachment: Document.xsd
Description: Document.xsd

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