Re: [xml] Two semantically identical files are being treated differently

Jason Viers wrote:
Jason Viers wrote:
David Grohmann wrote:
These 2 files have an element "PruningSection" which contain en 
element "Channels" that contains some text. These 2 files are 
extremely similar and I dont think they should be creating a node 
Tree any different than each other.
Yes, they should.  

My apologies, I looked at the examples too quickly and didn't notice the 
extra line breaks only occurred between attributes, not elements.

Are you sure they're being read in the same manner?  When I read them 
both have XML_TEXT_NODE as the the first child.  Is one being given 


xml mailing list, project page
xml gnome org

the call I'm using is this

 xmlReadFile( document_filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC )

are you saying that if i change XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC to XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS it will parse them exactly the same?
David Grohmann
Senior Student Associate
Applied Research Lab : UT Austin : ESL - S206
Office: 512-835-3237

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