[xml] patch: Functions to parse and create URI query strings

Attached is a patch against libxml2 svn which provides functions for parsing up and creating query strings, like:


into [(field1, value1), (field2, value2)].

The semantics of query strings don't seem to be very well defined. Where there could be ambiguities, I have looked at what Perl CGI.pm does and implemented that.

I've added a fairly comprehensive test suite for the code. With the patch we pass the old and new tests.

The current uri->query field is always unescaped during parsing. I have changed so it always stored in its raw form. This because otherwise it's impossible to parse query strings such as: file:///tmp/test.html?test=%26&second=%26 which can be generated by web browsers. If anyone was relying on the current semantics, then it seems to me that they cannot parse such query strings correctly.


Emerging Technologies, Red Hat  http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/
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Directors: Michael Cunningham (USA), Charlie Peters (USA) and David
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Index: testURIQuery.c
--- testURIQuery.c      (revision 0)
+++ testURIQuery.c      (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * testURIQuery.c : test the xmlURIQuery* functions.
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ * Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones redhat com>
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/uri.h>
+#include <libxml/globals.h>
+/* This code reads in the list of URLs, one per line, from stdin.
+ * For each one it writes out several variations which exercise
+ * all the xmlURIQuery* functions.
+ */
+main (void)
+    const char *query;
+    char line[1024], *str = NULL;
+    xmlURIPtr uri = NULL;
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields = NULL, field;
+    int errors = 0;
+    int b, len;
+    while (fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin)) {
+       /* Strip trailing \n. */
+       len = xmlStrlen (BAD_CAST line);
+       if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n')
+           line[len-1] = '\0';
+       /* Ignore lines which begin with '#' and blank lines. */
+       if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '#')
+           continue;
+       /* Parse the URI. */
+       uri = xmlParseURI (line);
+       if (!uri) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlParseURI: %s: failed\n", line);
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("%s\n", line);
+       query = uri->query;
+       printf ("\tquery string = %s\n", query ? query : "NULL");
+       /* Parse the query string and write out the list of fields. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryParse: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+           printf ("\tname = %s\n\tvalue = %s\n",
+                   field->name ? field->name : "NULL",
+                   field->value ? field->value : "NULL");
+           if (field->ignore)
+               printf ("testURIQuery: field->ignore should be 0\n");
+       }
+       /* Recreate query string with all fields. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryCreate (fields, NULL, &str) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryCreate: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\treassembled query = %s\n", str ? str : "NULL");
+       if (str) xmlFree (str);
+       str = NULL;
+       /* Mark some of the fields to be ignored and reassemble. */
+       for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+           if (xmlStrncasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST "del", 3) == 0)
+               field->ignore = 1;
+       }
+       if (xmlURIQueryCreate (fields, NULL, &str) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryCreate: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\treassembled query - del* = %s\n", str ? str : "NULL");
+       if (str) xmlFree (str);
+       str = NULL;
+       xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+       fields = NULL;
+       /* Try the high-level Exists function on the original URI. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryExists (query, "check", &b) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryExists: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\tcheck field exists = %s\n", b ? "true" : "false");
+       /* Try the high-level IsTrue function on the original URI. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryIsTrue (query, "check", &b) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryIsTrue: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\tcheck field is true = %s\n", b ? "true" : "false");
+       /* Try the high-level GetSingle function on the original URI. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryGetSingle (query, "check", &str) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryGetSingle: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\tcheck field = %s\n", str ? str : "not present");
+       if (str) xmlFree (str);
+       str = NULL;
+       /* Try the high-level GetMultiple function on the original URI. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryGetMultiple (query, "check", &fields) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryGetMultiple: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+           printf ("\t\tcheck field name = %s\n\t\tvalue = %s\n",
+                   field->name ? field->name : "NULL",
+                   field->value ? field->value : "NULL");
+           if (field->ignore)
+               printf ("testURIQuery: field->ignore should be 0\n");
+       }
+       xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+       fields = NULL;
+       /* Try the high-level Remove function on the original URI. */
+       if (xmlURIQueryRemove (query, "remove", &str) != 0) {
+           printf ("testURIQuery: xmlURIQueryRemove: failed\n");
+           errors++;
+           goto next;
+       }
+       printf ("\treassembled query - remove = %s\n", str ? str : "NULL");
+       if (str) xmlFree (str);
+       str = NULL;
+    next:
+       if (str) xmlFree (str);
+       if (fields) xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+       if (uri) xmlFreeURI (uri);
+       fflush (stdout);
+    }
+    xmlMemoryDump();
+    return errors ? 1 : 0;
Index: uri.c
--- uri.c       (revision 3604)
+++ uri.c       (working copy)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include <libxml/uri.h>
 #include <libxml/globals.h>
 #include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
  *                                                                     *
@@ -1031,12 +1032,11 @@
     if (uri->query) {
-        segment =
-            xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->query, BAD_CAST ";/?:@&=+,$");
-        NULLCHK(segment)
+       /* Assume the query has already been escaped.  This is the only
+        * sensible way to deal with queries like: first=%26&second=%26
+        */
         ret = xmlStrcat(ret, BAD_CAST "?");
-        ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
-        xmlFree(segment);
+        ret = xmlStrcat(ret, BAD_CAST uri->query);
     if (uri->opaque) {
@@ -1129,10 +1129,10 @@
     if (uri != NULL) {
         if (uri->query != NULL)
-       if (uri->cleanup & 2)
-           uri->query = STRNDUP(*str, cur - *str);
-       else
-           uri->query = xmlURIUnescapeString(*str, cur - *str, NULL);
+       /* Do not attempt to unescape the query.  See xmlURIQuery*
+        * functions instead.
+        */
+       uri->query = STRNDUP(*str, cur - *str);
     *str = cur;
     return (0);
@@ -2510,5 +2510,507 @@
+ *                                                                     *
+ *        Low-level parse and create functions for query strings        *
+ *                                                                     *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * xmlURIQueryCreate:
+ * @fields: Linked list of fields
+ * @separator: Separator, if NULL uses the default ("&")
+ * @query_out: The returned query string.
+ *
+ * This function concatenates the linked list of (field name, field value)
+ * pairs into a query string.
+ *
+ * If any field has the 'ignore' field set, it is ignored and not
+ * concatenated into the query string.
+ *
+ * If a field with the same name appears more than once, then it will
+ * appear multiple times in the query string.  Web browsers generate
+ * such query strings, and query string parsers handle them in
+ * various ways.  (See xmlURIQueryGetSingle and xmlURIQueryGetMultiple).
+ *
+ * The field name and value are URI-escaped properly before being
+ * added to the query.
+ *
+ * The returned query string should be freed by the caller.  If
+ * fields is NULL then query_out will be set to NULL.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryCreate (xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields,
+                  const char *separator,
+                  char **query_out)
+    /* List of characters which are safe inside names or values,
+     * apart from '@', IS_MARK and IS_ALPHANUM.  Best to escape
+     * as much as possible.  Certainly '=', '&' and '#' must NEVER
+     * be added to this list.
+     */
+    static const xmlChar *special_chars = BAD_CAST "";
+    int append_sep = 0, sep_len;
+    xmlBufferPtr buf;
+    xmlChar *str;
+    int rv;
+    if (query_out) *query_out = NULL;
+    if (!fields) return 0;
+    if (separator == NULL) {
+       separator = "&";
+       sep_len = 1;
+    } else
+       sep_len = xmlStrlen (BAD_CAST separator);
+    buf = xmlBufferCreate ();
+    if (!buf) return -1;
+    rv = 0;
+    while (fields) {
+       if (!fields->ignore) {
+           if (append_sep) {
+               rv = xmlBufferAdd (buf, BAD_CAST separator, sep_len);
+               if (rv != 0) goto error;
+           }
+           append_sep = 1;
+           str = xmlURIEscapeStr (BAD_CAST fields->name, special_chars);
+           if (!str) { rv = XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto error; }
+           rv = xmlBufferAdd (buf, str, xmlStrlen (str));
+           xmlFree (str);
+           if (rv != 0) goto error;
+           rv = xmlBufferAdd (buf, BAD_CAST "=", 1);
+           if (rv != 0) goto error;
+           str = xmlURIEscapeStr (BAD_CAST fields->value, special_chars);
+           if (!str) { rv = XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto error; }
+           rv = xmlBufferAdd (buf, str, xmlStrlen (str));
+           xmlFree (str);
+           if (rv != 0) goto error;
+       }
+       fields = fields->next;
+    }
+    if (query_out && buf->content) {
+       *query_out = (char *) xmlStrdup (buf->content);
+       if (!*query_out) {
+           rv = XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+           goto error;
+       }
+    }
+ error:
+    if (buf)
+       xmlBufferFree (buf);
+    return rv;
+ * xmlURIQueryParse:
+ * @query: Query string to parse.
+ * @separator: Separator, if NULL uses the default ("&")
+ * @fields_out: Returned linked list of fields, or NULL if query is empty.
+ *
+ * This function parses the query string and returns a list of
+ * (field name, field value) pairs of fields found in the query
+ * string.
+ *
+ * Field names are not unique, and for a given query string this
+ * function may return the same name several times
+ * (eg. "name=val1&name=val2").  Web browsers generate such query
+ * strings.
+ *
+ * The returned list should be freed by the caller (see
+ * xmlFreeURIQueryFields).  If the query string passed in is
+ * NULL or an empty string, then fields_out will be set to NULL.
+ *
+ * The field name and value are URI-unescaped properly when parsed
+ * out of the query.  If the value is missing, it is set to "".
+ * If the name is missing then the field is ignored.  This behaviour
+ * is consistent with Perl's CGI.pm.
+ *
+ * The ignore flags are set to 0 (see xmlURIQueryCreate).
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryParse (const char *query_,
+                 const char *separator,
+                 xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr *fields_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field, *prev;
+    int sep_len;
+    const xmlChar *query = BAD_CAST query_, *end, *eq;
+    char *name, *value;
+    if (fields_out) *fields_out = NULL;
+    if (!query || query[0] == '\0') return 0;
+    if (separator == NULL) {
+       separator = "&";
+       sep_len = 1;
+    } else
+       sep_len = xmlStrlen (BAD_CAST separator);
+    fields = NULL;
+    prev = &fields;
+    while (*query) {
+       /* Find the next separator, or end of the string. */
+       end = xmlStrstr (query, BAD_CAST separator);
+       if (!end) end = query + xmlStrlen (query);
+       /* Find the first '=' character between here and end. */
+       eq = xmlStrchr (query, '=');
+       if (eq && eq >= end) eq = NULL;
+       /* Empty section (eg. "?&"). */
+       if (end == query)
+           goto next;
+       /* If there is no '=' character, then we have just "name"
+        * and consistent with CGI.pm we assume value is "".
+        */
+       else if (!eq) {
+           name = xmlURIUnescapeString ((const char *) query,
+                                        end - query, NULL);
+           value = (char *) xmlStrdup (BAD_CAST "");
+           if (!name || !value) goto out_of_memory;
+       }
+       /* Or if we have "name=" here (works around annoying
+        * problem when calling xmlURIUnescapeString with len = 0).
+        */
+       else if (eq+1 == end) {
+           name = xmlURIUnescapeString ((const char *) query,
+                                        eq - query, NULL);
+           value = (char *) xmlStrdup (BAD_CAST "");
+           if (!name || !value) goto out_of_memory;
+       }
+       /* If the '=' character is at the beginning then we have
+        * "=value" and consistent with CGI.pm we _ignore_ this.
+        */
+       else if (query == eq)
+           goto next;
+       /* Otherwise it's "name=value". */
+       else {
+           name = xmlURIUnescapeString ((const char *) query,
+                                        eq - query, NULL);
+           value = xmlURIUnescapeString ((const char *) eq+1,
+                                         end - (eq+1), NULL);
+           if (!name || !value) goto out_of_memory;
+       }
+       /* Allocate this field and append to the list. */
+       field = xmlMalloc (sizeof *field);
+       if (!field) goto out_of_memory;
+       field->next = NULL;
+       field->name = name;
+       field->value = value;
+       field->ignore = 0;
+       *prev = field;
+       prev = &field->next;
+    next:
+       query = end;
+       if (*query) query += sep_len; /* skip separator */
+    }
+    if (fields_out) *fields_out = fields;
+    return 0;
+ out_of_memory:
+    xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+    return XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+ * xmlFreeURIQueryFields:
+ * @fields: Linked list of fields
+ *
+ * This function frees the linked list of fields, and all strings
+ * contained within.
+ *
+ * If fields is NULL then this function does nothing.
+ */
+xmlFreeURIQueryFields (xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr t;
+    while (fields) {
+       if (fields->name) xmlFree (fields->name);
+       if (fields->value) xmlFree (fields->value);
+       t = fields;
+       fields = fields->next;
+       xmlFree (t);
+    }
+ *                                                                     *
+ *        High-level convenience operations for query strings           *
+ *                                                                     *
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* NB. These functions generally parse the whole string each time
+ * they are called, so they are useful for occasional use, or code
+ * where you don't particularly care about raw speed.  Otherwise you
+ * should use the low-level parse function above and work on the
+ * xmlURIQueryFields structure directly.
+ */
+ * xmlURIQueryExists:
+ * @query: The query string (from uri->query)
+ * @name: The field name (unescaped)
+ * @bool_out: Boolean returned
+ *
+ * Sets bool_out to true if and only if the field name appears in the
+ * query string with any value (including an empty value).
+ *
+ * See also xmlURIQueryIsTrue.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) this function parses the query string each time it is called.
+ * (2) field name comparisons are case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryExists (const char *query,
+                  const char *name,
+                  int *bool_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field;
+    int rv;
+    if (bool_out) *bool_out = 0;
+    rv = xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields);
+    if (rv != 0) return rv;
+    for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+       if (xmlStrcasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST name) == 0) {
+           if (bool_out) *bool_out = 1;
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+    xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+    return 0;
+ * xmlURIQueryIsTrue:
+ * @query: The query string (from uri->query)
+ * @name: The field name (unescaped)
+ * @bool_out: Boolean returned
+ *
+ * Sets bool_out to true if and only if the field name appears in the
+ * query string with a "non-false" value.  A false value means
+ * a value which is empty or "0".  Thus this function will return
+ * false for "..&name=&.." or "..&name=0&..", but will return true
+ * for "..&name=1&.." or "..&name=foo&..".
+ *
+ * If the name appears multiple times, then we check if any has a
+ * non-false value.
+ *
+ * (This is the same convention for truthfulness as used in Perl's
+ * CGI.pm).
+ *
+ * See also xmlURIQueryExists.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) this function parses the query string each time it is called.
+ * (2) field name comparisons are case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, or an error code.
+ */
+static inline int
+is_false (const char *value)
+    return value[0] == '\0' || (value[0] == '0' && value[1] == '\0');
+xmlURIQueryIsTrue (const char *query,
+                  const char *name,
+                  int *bool_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field;
+    int rv;
+    if (bool_out) *bool_out = 0;
+    rv = xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields);
+    if (rv != 0) return rv;
+    for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+       if (xmlStrcasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST name) == 0 &&
+           !is_false (field->value)) {
+           if (bool_out) *bool_out = 1;
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+    xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+    return 0;
+ * xmlURIQueryGetSingle:
+ * @query: The query string (from uri->query)
+ * @name: The field name (unescaped)
+ * @value_out: Value returned (if found) or set to NULL.
+ *
+ * Gets the value of the named field from the query string, unescaped.
+ * The returned value must be freed by the caller.
+ *
+ * If the named field cannot be found, sets value_out to NULL.
+ *
+ * If the named field appears more than once, the first value is
+ * the one returned.  (See also xmlURIQueryGetMultiple).
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) this function parses the query string each time it is called.
+ * (2) field name comparisons are case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryGetSingle (const char *query,
+                     const char *name,
+                     char **value_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field;
+    int rv;
+    if (value_out) *value_out = NULL;
+    rv = xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields);
+    if (rv != 0) return rv;
+    rv = 0;
+    for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+       if (xmlStrcasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST name) == 0) {
+           if (value_out) {
+               *value_out = (char *) xmlStrdup (BAD_CAST field->value);
+               if (!*value_out) rv = XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+           }
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+    xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+    return rv;
+ * xmlURIQueryGetMultiple:
+ * @query: The query string (from uri->query)
+ * @name: The field name (unescaped)
+ * @fields_out: The fields with the given name (or NULL if no fields).
+ *
+ * Gets the value(s) of the named field from the query string, unescaped.
+ * The returned value must be freed by the caller by calling
+ * xmlFreeURIQueryFields.
+ *
+ * If the named field cannot be found, sets fields_out to NULL.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) this function parses the query string each time it is called.
+ * (2) field name comparisons are case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryGetMultiple (const char *query,
+                       const char *name,
+                       xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr *fields_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field, *prev;
+    int rv;
+    if (fields_out) *fields_out = NULL;
+    rv = xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields);
+    if (rv != 0) return rv;
+    prev = &fields;
+    field = fields;
+    while (field) {
+       if (xmlStrcasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST name) == 0) {
+           /* Keep this field in the linked list. */
+           prev = &field->next;
+           field = field->next;
+       } else {
+           /* We're going to remove and free the current field (field).
+            * '*prev' is the pointer to the current field from the previous,
+            * and field->next points to the next one.
+            */
+           *prev = field->next;
+           field->next = NULL;
+           xmlFreeURIQueryFields (field);
+           field = *prev;
+       }
+    }
+    if (fields_out) *fields_out = fields;
+    return 0;
+ * xmlURIQueryRemove:
+ * @query: The query string (from uri->query)
+ * @name: The field name (unescaped)
+ * @query_out: The returned query string.
+ *
+ * This function removes all fields named name from the query
+ * string, constructing a new query string and returning it in
+ * query_out.
+ *
+ * query_out must be freed by the caller.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * (1) this function parses the query string each time it is called.
+ * (2) field name comparisons are case-insensitive.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, or an error code.
+ */
+xmlURIQueryRemove (const char *query,
+                  const char *name,
+                  char **query_out)
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields, field;
+    int rv;
+    if (query_out) *query_out = NULL;
+    rv = xmlURIQueryParse (query, NULL, &fields);
+    if (rv != 0) return rv;
+    for (field = fields; field; field = field->next) {
+       if (xmlStrcasecmp (BAD_CAST field->name, BAD_CAST name) == 0)
+           field->ignore = 1;
+    }
+    rv = xmlURIQueryCreate (fields, NULL, query_out);
+    xmlFreeURIQueryFields (fields);
+    return rv;
 #define bottom_uri
 #include "elfgcchack.h"
Index: include/libxml/uri.h
--- include/libxml/uri.h        (revision 3604)
+++ include/libxml/uri.h        (working copy)
@@ -83,6 +83,60 @@
                xmlPathToURI            (const xmlChar *path);
+ * xmlURIQueryFields:
+ *
+ * A query string parsed into a linked list of (field name, field value) pairs.
+ *
+ * The name and value strings are stored here without %-escaping.  In
+ * the final query string they may be escaped if necessary.
+ *
+ * The ignore field is useful when parsing a query string, removing
+ * some fields, and leaving the rest.  xmlURIQueryParse always sets
+ * this to zero.  xmlURIQueryCreate checks this, and if it is non-zero
+ * it will ignore that field when constructing the query string.
+ */
+typedef struct _xmlURIQueryFields xmlURIQueryFields;
+typedef xmlURIQueryFields *xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr;
+struct _xmlURIQueryFields {
+    xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr next; /* Linked list chain. */
+    char *name;                        /* Field name (unescaped). */
+    char *value;               /* Field value (unescaped). */
+    int ignore;                        /* Ignore field in xmlURIQueryCreate. */
+                xmlURIQueryParse        (const char *query,
+                                        const char *separator,
+                                        xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr *fields_out);
+                xmlURIQueryCreate       (const xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields,
+                                        const char *separator,
+                                        char **query_out);
+                xmlFreeURIQueryFields   (xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr fields);
+                xmlURIQueryExists       (const char *query,
+                                        const char *name,
+                                        int *bool_out);
+                xmlURIQueryIsTrue       (const char *query,
+                                        const char *name,
+                                        int *bool_out);
+                xmlURIQueryGetSingle    (const char *query,
+                                        const char *name,
+                                        char **value_out);
+                xmlURIQueryGetMultiple  (const char *query,
+                                        const char *name,
+                                        xmlURIQueryFieldsPtr *fields_out);
+                xmlURIQueryRemove       (const char *query,
+                                        const char *name,
+                                        char **query_out);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
Index: result/URIQuery/test1.data
--- result/URIQuery/test1.data  (revision 0)
+++ result/URIQuery/test1.data  (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+       query string = NULL
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = 
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = field1=value1
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = field1=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3&field4=value4
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       name = field4
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3&field4=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3&field4=value4
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3&field4=value4
+       query string = field1=
+       name = field1
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = field1=
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=
+       query string = =value1
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = field1=&field2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = 
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=&field2=value2
+       query string = =value1&field2=value2
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=
+       query string = field1=value1&=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = field1=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=&field3=value3
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = 
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=&field3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=&field3=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=&field3=value3
+       query string = field1=value1&=value2&field3=value3
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field3=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field3=value3
+       query string = &
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = &&
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = &&&
+       reassembled query = NULL
+       reassembled query - del* = NULL
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = NULL
+       query string = field1=value1&&field2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = &field1=value1&field2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = &&field1=value1&field2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=value2&
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&field2=value2&&
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&delme=value2&field3=value3
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = delme
+       value = value2
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&delme=value2&field3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&field3=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&delme=value2&field3=value3
+       query string = del=delete
+       name = del
+       value = delete
+       reassembled query = del=delete
+       reassembled query - del* = 
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = del=delete
+       query string = field1=del
+       name = field1
+       value = del
+       reassembled query = field1=del
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=del
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=del
+       query string = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3
+       name = del1
+       value = value1
+       name = del2
+       value = value2
+       name = del3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = 
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3
+       query string = field1=value1&del2=value2
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = del2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&del2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&del2=value2
+       query string = del1=value1&field2=value2
+       name = del1
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = del1=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = del1=value1&field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&del4=value4
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = del2
+       value = value2
+       name = del3
+       value = value3
+       name = del4
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&del4=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&del4=value4
+       query string = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&field4=value4
+       name = del1
+       value = value1
+       name = del2
+       value = value2
+       name = del3
+       value = value3
+       name = field4
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&field4=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = field4=value4
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = del1=value1&del2=value2&del3=value3&field4=value4
+       query string = field1=value1&remove=value2&field3=value3
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       name = field3
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&remove=value2&field3=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&remove=value2&field3=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field3=value3
+       query string = field1=remove
+       name = field1
+       value = remove
+       reassembled query = field1=remove
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=remove
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=remove
+       query string = remove=value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = remove=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = remove=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = 
+       query string = remove=value1&remove=value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = remove=value1&remove=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = remove=value1&remove=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = 
+       query string = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3
+       name = remove
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = 
+       query string = remove=value1&field2=value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value1
+       name = field2
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = remove=value1&field2=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = remove=value1&field2=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field2=value2
+       query string = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&remove=value4
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value3
+       name = remove
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&remove=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&remove=value4
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1
+       query string = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       name = remove
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value3
+       name = field4
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = remove=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field4=value4
+       query string = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       name = field1
+       value = value1
+       name = remove
+       value = value2
+       name = remove
+       value = value3
+       name = field4
+       value = value4
+       reassembled query = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=value1&remove=value2&remove=value3&field4=value4
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=value1&field4=value4
+       query string = check=0
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = check=0
+       reassembled query - del* = check=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = check=0
+       query string = check=0&check=0
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = check=0&check=0
+       reassembled query - del* = check=0&check=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = check=0&check=0
+       query string = check=0&check=0&check=1
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       name = check
+       value = 1
+       reassembled query = check=0&check=0&check=1
+       reassembled query - del* = check=0&check=0&check=1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 1
+       reassembled query - remove = check=0&check=0&check=1
+       query string = check=
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=
+       query string = check=&check=
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=
+       query string = check=&check=&check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=&check=&check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=&check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=&check=foo
+       query string = check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=
+       query string = check&check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=
+       query string = check&check&check=BAR
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = BAR
+       reassembled query = check=&check=&check=BAR
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=&check=BAR
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = BAR
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=&check=BAR
+       query string = ChecK=0
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = ChecK=0
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=0
+       query string = ChecK=0&ChecK=0
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 0
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = ChecK=0&ChecK=0
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=0&ChecK=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=0&ChecK=0
+       query string = ChecK=0&ChecK=0&ChecK=1
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 0
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 0
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 1
+       reassembled query = ChecK=0&ChecK=0&ChecK=1
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=0&ChecK=0&ChecK=1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 0
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 1
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=0&ChecK=0&ChecK=1
+       query string = ChecK=
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = ChecK=
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=
+       query string = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       query string = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=foo
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=foo
+       query string = ChecK
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = ChecK=
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=
+       query string = ChecK&ChecK
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=&ChecK=
+       query string = ChecK&ChecK&ChecK=BAR
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = 
+       name = ChecK
+       value = BAR
+       reassembled query = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=BAR
+       reassembled query - del* = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=BAR
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = 
+               check field name = ChecK
+               value = BAR
+       reassembled query - remove = ChecK=&ChecK=&ChecK=BAR
+       query string = check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=
+       query string = check=0
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = check=0
+       reassembled query - del* = check=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = check=0
+       query string = check=1
+       name = check
+       value = 1
+       reassembled query = check=1
+       reassembled query - del* = check=1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 1
+               check field name = check
+               value = 1
+       reassembled query - remove = check=1
+       query string = check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = foo
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=foo
+       query string = check&check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=&check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=foo
+       query string = check=&check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=&check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=foo
+       query string = check=0&check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = 0
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=0&check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=0&check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = 0
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=0&check=foo
+       query string = check=1&check=foo
+       name = check
+       value = 1
+       name = check
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = check=1&check=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = check=1&check=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 1
+               check field name = check
+               value = 1
+               check field name = check
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = check=1&check=foo
+       query string = CHEck
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = CHEck=
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=
+       query string = CHEck=0
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 0
+       reassembled query = CHEck=0
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=0
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 0
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=0
+       query string = CHEck=1
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 1
+       reassembled query = CHEck=1
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 1
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 1
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=1
+       query string = CHEck=foo
+       name = CHEck
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = CHEck=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = foo
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=foo
+       query string = CHEck&CHEck=foo
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 
+       name = CHEck
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       query string = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 
+       name = CHEck
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=&CHEck=foo
+       query string = CHEck=0&CHEck=foo
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 0
+       name = CHEck
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = CHEck=0&CHEck=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=0&CHEck=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 0
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 0
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=0&CHEck=foo
+       query string = CHEck=1&CHEck=foo
+       name = CHEck
+       value = 1
+       name = CHEck
+       value = foo
+       reassembled query = CHEck=1&CHEck=foo
+       reassembled query - del* = CHEck=1&CHEck=foo
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 1
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = 1
+               check field name = CHEck
+               value = foo
+       reassembled query - remove = CHEck=1&CHEck=foo
+       query string = check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=
+       query string = check&check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=
+       query string = check&check&check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=&check=
+       query string = foo&check
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=
+       query string = foo&check&check
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=&check=
+       query string = foo&check&check&check
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=&check=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=&check=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=&check=&check=
+       query string = check&bar
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&bar=
+       query string = check&check&bar
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=&bar=
+       query string = check&check&check&bar
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&check=&check=&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=&check=&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=&check=&bar=
+       query string = foo&check&bar
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=&bar=
+       query string = foo&check&check&bar
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=&check=&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=&check=&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=&check=&bar=
+       query string = check&foo&check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&foo=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&foo=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&foo=&check=
+       query string = check&foo&foo&check
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=&foo=&foo=&check=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&foo=&foo=&check=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&foo=&foo=&check=
+       query string = check=value1
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = check=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1
+       query string = check=value1&check=value2
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = check=value1&check=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&check=value2
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&check=value2
+       query string = check&check=value1&check=value2
+       name = check
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = check=&check=value1&check=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = check=&check=value1&check=value2
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = 
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = check=&check=value1&check=value2
+       query string = foo&check=value1
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=value1
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=value1
+       query string = foo&check=value1&check=value2
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=value1&check=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=value1&check=value2
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=value1&check=value2
+       query string = foo&check=value1&check=value2&check=value3
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       name = check
+       value = value3
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&check=value3
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&check=value3
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+               check field name = check
+               value = value3
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&check=value3
+       query string = check=value1&bar
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=value1&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&bar=
+       query string = check=value1&check=value2&bar
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       query string = check=value1&check=value2&check=value3&bar
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       name = check
+       value = value3
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = check=value1&check=value2&check=value3&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&check=value2&check=value3&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+               check field name = check
+               value = value3
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&check=value2&check=value3&bar=
+       query string = foo&check=value1&bar
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=value1&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=value1&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=value1&bar=
+       query string = foo&check=value1&check=value2&bar
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       name = bar
+       value = 
+       reassembled query = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       reassembled query - del* = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = foo=&check=value1&check=value2&bar=
+       query string = check=value1&foo&check=value2
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = check=value1&foo=&check=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&foo=&check=value2
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&foo=&check=value2
+       query string = check=value1&foo&foo&check=value2
+       name = check
+       value = value1
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = foo
+       value = 
+       name = check
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = check=value1&foo=&foo=&check=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = check=value1&foo=&foo=&check=value2
+       check field exists = true
+       check field is true = true
+       check field = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value1
+               check field name = check
+               value = value2
+       reassembled query - remove = check=value1&foo=&foo=&check=value2
+       query string = field1=%26
+       name = field1
+       value = &
+       reassembled query = field1=%26
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=%26
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=%26
+       query string = field1=%26&field2=%26
+       name = field1
+       value = &
+       name = field2
+       value = &
+       reassembled query = field1=%26&field2=%26
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=%26&field2=%26
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=%26&field2=%26
+       query string = field1=%3d
+       name = field1
+       value = =
+       reassembled query = field1=%3D
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=%3D
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=%3D
+       query string = field1=%3d&field2=%3d
+       name = field1
+       value = =
+       name = field2
+       value = =
+       reassembled query = field1=%3D&field2=%3D
+       reassembled query - del* = field1=%3D&field2=%3D
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field1=%3D&field2=%3D
+       query string = field%26=value1
+       name = field&
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = field%26=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = field%26=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field%26=value1
+       query string = field%26=value1&field%26=value2
+       name = field&
+       value = value1
+       name = field&
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field%26=value1&field%26=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field%26=value1&field%26=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field%26=value1&field%26=value2
+       query string = field%3d=value1
+       name = field=
+       value = value1
+       reassembled query = field%3D=value1
+       reassembled query - del* = field%3D=value1
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field%3D=value1
+       query string = field%3d=value1&field%3d=value2
+       name = field=
+       value = value1
+       name = field=
+       value = value2
+       reassembled query = field%3D=value1&field%3D=value2
+       reassembled query - del* = field%3D=value1&field%3D=value2
+       check field exists = false
+       check field is true = false
+       check field = not present
+       reassembled query - remove = field%3D=value1&field%3D=value2
Index: Makefile.am
--- Makefile.am (revision 3604)
+++ Makefile.am (working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I srcdir@/include @THREAD_CFLAGS@ @Z_CFLAGS@ 
-noinst_PROGRAMS=testSchemas testRelax testSAX testHTML testXPath testURI \
+noinst_PROGRAMS=testSchemas testRelax testSAX testHTML testXPath \
+               testURI testURIQuery \
                 testThreads testC14N testAutomata testRegexp \
                 testReader testapi testModule runtest runsuite
@@ -100,6 +101,11 @@
+testURIQuery_LDFLAGS = 
+testURIQuery_LDADD= $(LDADDS)
 testRegexp_LDFLAGS = 
 testRegexp_DEPENDENCIES = $(DEPS)
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@
 testall : tests SVGtests SAXtests
-tests: XMLtests XMLenttests NStests IDtests Errtests APItests @READER_TEST@ @TEST_SAX@ @TEST_PUSH@ 
+tests: XMLtests XMLenttests NStests IDtests Errtests APItests @READER_TEST@ @TEST_SAX@ @TEST_PUSH@ 
        @(if [ "@PYTHON_SUBDIR@" != "" ] ; then cd python ; \
            $(MAKE) MAKEFLAGS+=--silent tests ; fi)
        @(cd doc/examples ; $(MAKE) MAKEFLAGS+=--silent tests)
@@ -437,6 +443,24 @@
              rm result.$$name ; \
          fi ; fi ; done)
+URIQuerytests : testURIQuery$(EXEEXT)
+       @(echo > .memdump)
+       @echo "## URI query string parser regression tests"
+       -@(for i in $(srcdir)/test/URIQuery/*.data ; do \
+         name=`basename $$i`; \
+         if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
+         if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/result/URIQuery/$$name ] ; then \
+             echo New test file $$name ; \
+             $(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testURIQuery < $$i > $(srcdir)/result/URIQuery/$$name ; \
+             grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0"; \
+         else \
+             log=`$(CHECKER) $(top_builddir)/testURIQuery < $$i 2>&1 > result.$$name ; \
+             grep "MORY ALLO" .memdump  | grep -v "MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0";\
+             diff $(srcdir)/result/URIQuery/$$name result.$$name` ; \
+             if [ -n "$$log" ] ; then echo $$name result ; echo $$log ; fi ; \
+             rm result.$$name ; \
+         fi ; fi ; done)
 XPathtests : testXPath$(EXEEXT)
        @(echo > .memdump)
        @echo "## XPath regression tests"
Index: .cvsignore
--- .cvsignore  (revision 3604)
+++ .cvsignore  (working copy)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
Index: test/URIQuery/test1.data
--- test/URIQuery/test1.data    (revision 0)
+++ test/URIQuery/test1.data    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# List of tests URIs supplied to the testURIQuery.c program.
+# That program takes each URL, extracts the query string (if any)
+# and performs a series of xmlURIQuery* functions on that
+# query string.  You can find out more by looking at the test
+# program and the result file (result/URIQuery/test1.data).
+# No query string:
+# Some simple query strings just to test parsing:
+# Test name= and =value
+# Empty fields
+# Any field names matching "del*" should be removed (tests the
+# "ignore" feature of xmlURIQueryCreate):
+# Any field names called "remove" should be removed (tests
+# xmlURIQueryRemove):
+# Check Exists/IsTrue
+# Check GetSingle
+# Check GetMultiple
+# %-sequences in URLs

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