Re: [xml] schema validation

On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 07:19:28PM -0700, Yong Chen (yongche) wrote:
Hi Daniel,

Sorry to hear that Kasimier lost his job. Hopefully he will get a good
one soon.

As for the infinite loop, it happens in both 2.6.22 and 2.6.26. And it
happens in function xmlFAReduceEpsilonTransitions (in xmlregexp.c), this
func calls itself recursively. I noticed it's actually you (not
Kasimier) who wrote this file, so I wonder if you can help.

  Okay, I will look.

I did try to file a bug via bugzilla, but it has a restraint of not
exceeding 64K in comments, but my schema file is 160k.

Try to shorten the schemas to the part which actually raises the problem.

Have you read the XML Schemas specification ? Do you understand how confusing
and ambiguous it is ? If not, please read it. I'm serious about this ! Not
a book about XSD use case or the doc of the XSD generator you may have used,
look at the spec, i.e. what is supposed to guide implementors, you will
understand why I'm not thrilled to debug 160 KBytes of this !
When you see experts debating on the meaning of 10 lines schemas and unable
to state what is the right behaviour, using 160KB of those for the kind
of core infrastructures your company is building is purely scary in my 

Shorten the XSD to the smallest input reproducing the problem. I have little
time, if it looks like I will need an hour just to sort out what is actually
triggering the problem there is very little chance I will go after it.
It's not because I have the knowledge of the internals that you should not
do your part by trying to reduce to a minimal example reproducing the

I'll send you the schema file and the code to reproduce it, if you are
interested in it.

 Shorten the inputs, and don't paste data in bugzilla comments but as
bugzilla attachments to the bug !



Red Hat Virtualization group
Daniel Veillard      | virtualization library
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