Re: [xml] error message in other language

Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 08:28:54AM +0200, Tim Van Holder wrote:
I'd suggest filing a bugzilla entry for i18n of libxml; there's no good
reason why it shouldn't be gettextized.

  There is one, I don't want to depend on gettext for example on
Windows I don't force the dependancy, and on other "exotic" like
embedded system I don't want anything to get in the way. libxml2
only dependancies are a C compiler and a decent libc subset, anything
else must be completely optional.

That's what the --disable-nls configure option (added by gettext) is
for.  And I expect can be set up so that it's disabled by
default, and --enable-nls is required to activate it.  So dependencies
are not really an issue (plus, gettextize adds a local copy of libintl
to the source tree, so all necessary code would be included in the
libxml2 tarball anyway).

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