Re: [xml] Cancelling xsltApplyStylesheetUser()

On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 04:30:11PM -0600, Brent Smith wrote:

    Shaun McCance and myself have been looking at ways to cancel a long 
running xsltApplyStylesheet() call.  We want it to be possible for the 
user to cancel an operation if it is taking too long in Yelp[1] (GNOME's 
help browser).

Shaun has found that setting the xsltTransformContext->state = 
XML_STATE_STOPPED in the extension element function, the 
xsltApplyStylesheet() call then returns immediately (after the ext. 
element function returns).

My question is, if we cancel the process in this way, is the 
transformContext and result document in a consistent state where we can 
just call xsltFreeTransformContext() and xmlFreeDoc() and not leak large 
amounts of memory?

  yes, that should be fine, the processor when detecting that state will
stop processing further templates, and the processing will gracefully pop
up all template contexts.
  If you experience leaks there (assuming you freed up all resources when
done) then that means there is a bug, but this really should not happen.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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