Dear List members. I have found a problem which I hope someone could help me
with. I am working with 2.6.16 version. I get a segmentation fault when I call xmlSchemaParse
and the default value is different then allowed values. This is the schema part: <xs:element name="G723" default="true"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]|[dD][Ii][Ss][aA][bB][Ll][Ee]"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> Note that the default value is not allowed, by the pattern. Please advice. Thanks DSP
Engineer, R&D EIS NICE Systems. (T) + (972 ) 9-7753703 ------------------------------- NICE - Insight from Interactions |