Re: [xml] entity resolver callback context not too useful for python

On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 10:06:07PM -0500, Brad Clements wrote:
What appears to happen when processing document() during the 

1. libxml2 creates a new parsing context, 

2. libxml2 calls the entity resolver with that new context

3. libxml2 parses the returned data

But since this is a new parsing context, I've never seen it before, so even 
if I could find out my original xml/xslt document's parsing context, they  
wouldn't be helpful because they're not related to the freshly created 
context made during entity resolution.

It's a bit of chicken-and-egg problem, because loading the original xsl file 
might also do entity lookups (xsl:include), so even before I get a 
document handle, I could be doing lookups.

My hack-around solution was to use xmlReadDoc, and pass in a 

  use xmlReadCtxtDoc with a context you created yourself

mangled URI with my own custom scheme, whose netloc can be 
dereferenced back to the originating 'http request context'.

It'd be handy of something like xmlReadDoc could be given some opaque 
value that would be passed to the entity loader. Further, that opaque 
value would have to be set on all documents loaded during the parsing 

  At the C level there is a _private pointer for parsing contexts that
application can use to associate application data with that specific 


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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