Re: [xml] include XML file in another XML file

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Thomas Schraitle wrote:
As far as I can see from a quick look it is not well-formed:

--- gdm.1 file ---
"-//Sun Microsystems//DTD DocBook V3.0-Based
SolBook Subset V2.0//EN"

You can't have the DOCTYPE declaration here, if you include this file from

I'll try describe what I'm tring to do in another way and what is my relal "problem :) I want prepare some kind of temaplate solution which can be resused in many projests for maintain man pages documentation.

Final targer is: prepare man tool which will generate roff output (not rendered roff file but rendered output browsable by pager like more, less,
most) without [g]roff tool. All this must have possibilities also for
maintaining translated documentation.

First stage of this is prepare infrastructure for trannslation .. now it is ease using xml2po tool:

 (1)          (2)
 XML -------- <project>-man-pages.pot
  |            |.||
  |            |.||
  |            |.||                 (3)       (4)
  |            |.|+-<lang1>.po ---- XML ---> roff (translated to lang1)
  |            |.+--<lang2>.po ---- XML ---> roff (translated to lang2)
  .            ..
  .            .
  |            +----<langN>.po ---- XML ---> roff (translated to langN)
  +----------------------------------------- roff (english)

(1) source XML man pages in english

(2) reference .pot file for translate generated using:
    $ xml2po -o <project>-man-pages.pot <man1>.xml <man2>.xml

(3) translated XML documents generated using:
    $ xml2po -p <lang>.po <man1>.xml > <lang>/<man1>.xml

(4) roff files rendered xsltproc

For prepare all above some trings must be added in current manpages/docbook.xsl (in progress) but still this not real problem :)

This will allow maintain in any project one reference documents (1). Translators will have .po files which will have during mantaining some new entries, sometimes some prases will be deleted and sometimes some entries will be marked as fuzzy .. this is all what is known by translators.

Using XSLT will allow keep *all* generated roff files in ONE style :)
Also using above will allow make translators work easier .. and all translated versions better synced with english reference document. It will allow prepare all in philosopy like "don't move .. improve" because for viewe/print man pages can be used all now avalaible tools.

After this can be done next stage: prepare man tool which will operate *directtly* on XML files (like in Solaris). .. but without using [g]roff. Using current code from xmlroff probably will allow in future prepare this kind of man tool in easier way.

But .. Some XML documents like from mine example vipw.xml contains description more than one commnad/man subject. Using current man tool and roff this can be solved very easy by put in man tree file with ".so man8/vipw.8" inside man8/vigr.8.

In first variant it can be immplemented this kind man tool on run "man vigr" can work like in classic man by looking for known name file in some paths. For allow this must be possible generate something like roff .so link.

So my real question is not about SolBook and all around this but is it possible prepare neccessary in this varian kind XML .so link file ? :)

One of alternative can be of course also using symlinks .. but for now I want collect all possible sulution for this stage for prepare _now_ automake suit for allow conditionaly install just generated roff files or install XML ones on "make install DESTDIR=</install/prefix>" :)

PS. Probably some core of above can be reused for better mantain national TLDP projests :) After generate from current XML HOWTO TLDP files will be probaly possible browse all now avalaible HOWTO documetations using .. _man tool_ (by put all roff files in man/manh tree and _only_ modify man tool configuration 8_)
*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm|*e-mail: kloczek rudy mif pg gda pl*

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