"Re: [xml] Problem adding DTD at runtime"

Hi Delphi fellow :-)

Erik F. Andersen wrote:

all this mixing Delphi and C sometimes confuses me. A call to xmlStrDup solved my problem.

Regarding the wsu:Id attribute in the DTD then my problem is that I have to speak to a WebService that I 
have no control over. This is already giving me headaches because XMLSec also have problems with it.

You may want to look at the Delphi DOM wrapper for libxml2 [1]; it's 
full of examples of how to use libxml2 with the pascal bindings.
By the way, if you are using Delphi 6 (5 as well?), the funny "^" is not 
needed any more; the code looks much cleaner without those eyebrows.

[1] http://idom2-pas.sourceforge.net/



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