[xml] help

Hi All,
   I've just now started using libxml2 and my req is, I want to access a web page which is of xml type through a C file and get some info about the web page like visited_time, title, url, add_time..
i'm trying to get the info from http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
I've asked the same question with Daniel and he says xmllint does this
but when i give like this
1)  xmllint --timing http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
   it says failed to load external entity http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
2) ./xmllint http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
   it says failed to load external entity http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
3)xmllint --noout http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
   it says failed to load external entity http://www.rediff.com/rss/inrss.xml
dont mind pls, i know this is a small question to u all..but as i'm a beginner, its a book problem..pls help

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