Re: [xml] Bug or User Error

On Sat, Jan 31, 2004 at 12:57:36AM +0100, Coren wrote:
How about adding a page, like "Common mistakes and how to avoid it"?

  I did a bit of that in the FAQ, not a bad idea. The problem is 
to write those.

Another idea I had (but maybe that seems like shooting flies with
cannons...): Could you integrate a Wiki? I know that *I* am far more
comfortable with writing stuff in a Wiki than in a more set-in-stone
type of documentation... Maybe this would spark more contributions in
general? :)

  There is a few reasons I'm not fully comfortable with a Wiki:
    - implementing it, that mean a server, with custom code,
      serving dynamic pages, very different from a simple server
      with static pages.
    - content management, how can you ensure that important informations
      don't get erased, that errors don't get added
    - currently the search engine indexes the mail archives, this mean
      information which is garanteed to be persistant, which is peer
      reviewed (there is around 600 persons on the list).

  Seems to me the mail archives are some kind of Wiki, less structured
but with more content review.

  In general I try to automate and version as much as possible all the
documentation build, indexing, etc ... 

P.S.: Which of my headers is to blame for needing moderator approval? :(

   It was Error in the Subject...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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