Re: [xml] SAX and buffering

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Ed Griffiths wrote:

I've looked at the libxml website and searched archives and docs and articles
but been unable to discover how to:

I am using libcurl to get XML data from an http server and I want to get libxml
to parse the data from libcurl as it comes over, calling my libxml callbacks as
the data flows through.

FWIW, libxml2 has its own HTTP Client (nanohttp)!

I'm feeling stupid as I can't see how to get libxml to do this for SAX style

Any help would be gratefully received.

If an example would help, have a look at my SAX parsers in the context
of Apache modules.  mod_proxy_html uses a libxml2 SAX parser and is
available under the GPL from .  My apachecon
presentation (also available there) discusses the techniques.

Nick Kew

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