xmlSaveFileEnc(a_OutputPath, doc, "iso-8859-1")
and as result of this code I get something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
So it looks like no data was written to writer (and doc) :(
You'v got any idee what can be wrong?
I use limxml2 as a dll.
"Mickautsch, Alfred" <alfred mickautsch schuler-ag com> wrote:
Hello,xmlWriter functions return 0 most of the time. This is because of the internal caching. You should onlybother if they return -1. This means that an error has occured.Servus -- Alfred-----Urspr?he Nachricht-----
Von: xml-admin gnome org [mailto:xml-admin gnome org]Im Auftrag von Karol Rewera
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 16:26
An: xml gnome org
Betreff: [xml] [libxml2] xmlwriter in vc++ 6.0Hello!I'm trying to create XML document with xml writer in Visual Studion 6.0. Here's code fragment:LIBXML_TEST_VERSION;xmlTextWriterPtr writer;xmlDocPtr doc;writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0);xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, NULL, NULL);xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "EXAMPLE");xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer);xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer);xmlFreeTextWriter(writer);xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0) works fine, but xmlTextWriterStartDocument, xmlTextWriterStartElement wtires no bytes to doc (functions returns 0 ) :(What I'm doing wrong, helpKarol Rewera
Karol Rewera
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