Re: [xml] xmlDoc or xmlNode

On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 09:57:32PM +0200, aliban gmx net wrote:
hello list.
i have some kind of benchmark question.

for my app i need to parse many little xml nodes...

in case i get a buffer filled with an xml "node" i have to build a 
tree and then analyse it... i can parse the buffer with 

xmlDocPtr ptxmlDocPtr;
ptxmlDocPtr = xmlParseMemory(ptchData, iSize);

whatever this would happen quite many times...
therefor i thought it might be less waste of cpu by not creating a 
doc eacht time but instead to create/delete a node of a general doc 
with the buffer.

Is it less cpu consuming to create/delete a node each time or does it 

make no difference?
how to parse a buffer directly in a node? i would need a function 
node xmlParseMemoryToParent(doc, parent, ptchData, iSize);

does it exist?

  Parsing is not defined in isolation. You cannot parse a "fragment"
independantly of the other parts of the document. Things like entities,
namespaces, ID/IDREF, etc. need the document and ancestors context to
work. There is a function in libxml2 to parse a "well balenced chunk"
  xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
       void *user_data, int depth, const xmlChar *string, xmlNodePtr *lst) {

  it is complex, I don't recommend you use it.
W.r.t. speed, well creating a new parser context is anyway more costly
than creating a new document in general. See the upcoming APIs I discussed
in posts last week for an idea of how this could be solved [1].
But basically your approach is dangerous because parsing is only defined for
full documents.



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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