Re: [xml] xsddata-test-suite

On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 08:55:51PM -0600, Charles Bozeman wrote:

When I saw your ChangeLog entry concerning the date/time failures from
the xsddata test suite, I gave it a quick look and found something that
may explain some of the failures. The xsddata test suite expects a
gMonth value to be in the form "--MM" but XML Schema: Datatypes states
that a gMonth is "--MM--" which is what the code in xmlschematypes.c is
looking for.

  Hum, I had a glance at it, seems you're right from the spec. So
I grabbed the errata
and no surprize section E2-12 makes an erratum for the gMonth Lexical
representation removing the trailing '--'.
It's always a good idea to double-check before reporting bugs to
James Clark, he usually don't do mistakes <grin/>
I will try to fix the gMonth date parsing, sigh ...

Also one of the tests has "---01" to be an invalid gMonth
but the code will see this as a valid gDay. I'm guessing that any other
date/time related failures in the test are related to facets
(minExclusive etc.).

  I need to check if that's a limitation of the date code base or 
a problem in the way the dfacet are wired.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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