[xml] output suppression


  I'm  very  new  to  libxml. I tried to find an answer to my question
  in  the  mailing  list  archive  but  I  couldn't find anything. The
  problem  is  the following. I tried one of the examples. If the file
  src.xml is not present then I got a warning:
  `warning: failed to load external entity "src.xml"'.
  Is there any   way  to suppress this message if I, for example, want
  to report any errors only from within of my code? 

//gcc -I/usr/include/libxml2 example.c -lxml2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>

void main() {
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlNodePtr cur;

  doc = xmlParseFile("src.xml");

  if (doc == NULL ) {
    printf("Document not parsed successfully. \n");

Best regards,
 Vladimir                          mailto:zykov online kharkov ua

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