Re: [xml] Disabling error messages (again)

I don't understand why clients of the library need to be saddled
with its messages. If my application calls a function and an error
occurs, tell my application and let it deal with it; don't tell the

  Why is the existing function not usable ?
or why didn't you find it ?
I also don't see the point of your rant about stdout and stderr...

If one thinks of making a call into the curl library as being the same
as making a system call, or a call into malloc() or whatnot, I could see
where one might desire that the curl library not make calls to
stdout/stderr/whatever since system calls and stuff like libc don't
(usually?) do that on error.  Consider a situation where say "connect()"
emitted a message to stderr each time a call failed - I suspect lots of
apps would take exception to that :)

Now, when a library or whatnot is still under development/debug those
sorts of messages could be quite useful.  If it helps, presume that
someone taking exception to those messages is really paying the
compliment of assuming that the libcurl code is stable and robust :)

I expect that for my uses, should I have problems with the defalt
behaviour I'll try the function to change the error function.

just a few thoughts,

rick jones
Wisdom Teeth are impacted, people are affected by the effects of events.
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
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