Re: [xml] GHashTable as replacement of built-in xmlHashTable

On Sun, 13 Apr 2003, Bjorn Reese wrote:

Kang Jeong-Hee wrote:

GLib 2 provide a hash table; GHashTable.
Its APIs are nearly equivalent to ones of xmlHashTable.

I propose GHashTable as replacement of xmlHashTable
and removing hash.[ch] from libxml2.


Does xmlHashTable cause problems? Does GHashTable provide added
benefits (functionality, performance, maintainability?)

GHashTable is dependent on other parts of glib and is distributed
under a different license than libxml. How do you plan to address
these issues?

Well, grafting a 'three keys per one data item' style api that libxml
presently has on top of ghashtable would look pretty ugly and quite
probably cause loss of speed. It is also (iirc) less flexible with user
functions for freeing keys and data items. 

Oh, and glib is presently not yet proven to be anywhere as portable as
libxml2, so adding glib as a dpendnency would have some undesirable side
effects anyways.


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