RE: [xml] EISDIR is unknown to win32

Simpler answer:  errno.h is never included for me, at least not from
xmlIO.c.  I use the standard build with the following options:

cscript configure.js prefix=c:\gsstools sodir=\gsstools\bin ftp=no c14n=no
catalog=no docb=no xpath=yes xptr=yes xinclude=yes schemas=no iconv=no

Also, I'm using a very new (if not the newest) platform SDK.

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Zlatkovic [mailto:igor stud fh-frankfurt de] 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:20 AM
To: Vakoc, Mark; xml gnome org
Subject: Re: [xml] EISDIR is unknown to win32

Hi there,

xmlCheckFilename() in xmlIO.c was changed recently to use EISDIR, but that
is undefined on Win32.  Simple solution is to use the value 21 instead of
EISDIR or define EISDIR somewhere win32 specific.

Strange, I don't get a compilation error and indeed, EISDIR is #defined as
21 by Microsoft in their errno.h:

  C:\> find "EISDIR" \opt\ddk\inc\crt\*.h
  ---------- \OPT\DDK\INC\CRT\ERRNO.H
  #define EISDIR          21


Can you check again? If this is really the case on your machine, then we
must #define this in xmlio.c. Defining it in include\win32config.h brings
multiple definition errors on my machine, because this file is included
before errno.h.


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