Re: [xml] libxml2 performance

Daniel Veillard wrote:

Please note that I am listing the results of two different test cases
below, separated by a dashed line.

xmllint --noout --timing --repeat doc/libxml2-api.xml

Quantify on Solaris 2.5.1 gives (top-20)

 14.57%   _free_unlocked
 10.69%   xmlParseAttValue
 10.28%   realfree
  6.18%   t_splay
  5.84%   _malloc_unlocked
  4.41%   isolat1ToUTF8
  3.49%   cleanfree
  3.24%   t_delete
  3.15%   xmlCurrentChar
  2.42%   mutex_lock
  2.42%   mutex_unlock
  2.26%   xmlParseCharData
  1.80%   memset
  1.66%   malloc
  1.47%   xmlParseStartTag
  1.47%   xmlParseName
  1.43%   _smalloc
  1.36%   xmlNextChar
  1.36%   free
  1.32%   xmlStrndup

Most of these (including mutex locking) are indeed related to memory
management, so I also collected information related to malloc/free:

Function name:                 malloc
Filename:                      /usr/lib/
Called:                          13481642 times
Function time:                  148298062 cycles ( 1.66% of .root.)
Function+descendants time:     2200589659 cycles (24.67% of .root.)
Average function time:                 11 cycles
Minimum function time:                 11 cycles
Maximum function time:                 11 cycles

Distribution to callers:
2058700 times (35.03%)  xmlNewTextLen
7841422 times (30.16%)  xmlStrndup
1167400 times (12.76%)  xmlNewNsProp
1167400 times (11.92%)  xmlParseAttValue
 675000 times ( 6.90%)  xmlNewNode
 570000 times ( 3.17%)  xmlParseStartTag
    100 times ( 0.03%)  xmlNewParserCtxt
    400 times ( 0.00%)  xmlBufferCreate
    500 times ( 0.00%)  xmlInitParserCtxt
    100 times ( 0.00%)  _findbuf
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlNewDoc
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlNewInputStream
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlURIUnescapeString
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlParseVersionNum
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlParseEncName
      1 time  ( 0.00%)  xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlAllocParserInputBuffer
      7 times ( 0.00%)  xmlNewCharEncodingHandler
      5 times ( 0.00%)  xmlHashAddEntry3
      5 times ( 0.00%)  xmlAddEntity
      2 times ( 0.00%)  xmlHashCreate

Contributions from descendants:
13481642 times (81.01%)  _malloc_unlocked
13481642 times ( 6.13%)  mutex_lock
13481642 times ( 6.13%)  mutex_unlock

Function name:                 free
Filename:                      /usr/lib/
Called:                          13481642 times
Function time:                  121334778 cycles ( 1.36% of .root.)
Function+descendants time:     2619886858 cycles (29.37% of .root.)
Average function time:                  9 cycles
Minimum function time:                  9 cycles
Maximum function time:                  9 cycles

Distribution to callers:
5467400 times (57.25%)  xmlFreeNodeList
2334800 times (25.58%)  xmlFreeProp
2904800 times ( 9.73%)  xmlParseStartTag
1167400 times ( 2.72%)  attribute
 458600 times ( 1.83%)  xmlParseElement
 675000 times ( 1.72%)  startElement
 432800 times ( 1.07%)  xmlParseEndTag
  33000 times ( 0.08%)  xmlParseEntityRef
   5500 times ( 0.01%)  xmlStringGetNodeList
    400 times ( 0.00%)  xmlFreeDoc
    800 times ( 0.00%)  xmlFreeParserCtxt
    400 times ( 0.00%)  xmlBufferFree
    400 times ( 0.00%)  xmlFreeInputStream
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlFreeParserInputBuffer
    100 times ( 0.00%)  fclose
    100 times ( 0.00%)  xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename
     15 times ( 0.00%)  xmlFreeEntity
     15 times ( 0.00%)  xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers
     12 times ( 0.00%)  xmlHashFree

Contributions from descendants:
13481642 times (85.08%)  _free_unlocked
13481642 times ( 5.15%)  mutex_lock
13481642 times ( 5.15%)  mutex_unlock

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I also tried:

  xmllint --repeat --noout test/svg3

 44.06%   xmlParseAttValue
 13.09%   xmlCurrentChar
  6.73%   _free_unlocked
  4.62%   realfree
  3.56%   xmlStringGetNodeList
  2.86%   _malloc_unlocked
  2.44%   t_splay
  1.83%   cleanfree
  1.63%   t_delete
  1.17%   mutex_unlock
  1.17%   mutex_lock
  1.11%   _read
  0.91%   _open
  0.86%   memset
  0.78%   malloc
  0.78%   xmlParseContent
  0.69%   _smalloc
  0.64%   free
  0.62%   xmlStrndup
  0.60%   xmlFreeNodeList

In this test memory management no longer dorminates the picture.
Below is a line-based profile of xmlParseAttValue and xmlCurrentChar.
It is kind of difficult to see how those two can be improved (maybe
ctxt->input->cur could be replaced by a pointer, although I would
expect the compiler to handle such optimizations.)

              * *********************************************************
              *  Quantify Annotated Source of
              *  Data from Quantify'd ./xmllint.quant (pid 24288)
              *  Quantify version: 4.5.1
              *  - Annotation: Function+descendant time (% of f+d time)
              *  Legend:
              *   Lines are annotated with a distinguishing character and
collected data.
              *   * - A comment line inserted by Quantify.
              *   | - A line containing a single executed block.
              *   + - A line containing multiple basic blocks.
              *   . - The extent of any basic blocks over several lines.
              *   # - A line containing basic blocks that were not executed.
              * *********************************************************

                xmlChar *
              * *********************************************************
              *  Function:                      xmlParseAttValue
              *  Called:                            48000 times
              *  Function time:                 461465300 cycles (44.06% of
              *  Function+descendants time:     638554086 cycles (60.96% of
              *  Distribution to Callers:
              *     48000 times xmlParseAttribute
              * *********************************************************
         0.00%# xmlParseAttValue(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
              .     xmlChar limit = 0;
              .     xmlChar *buf = NULL;
              .     int len = 0;
              .     int buf_size = 0;
              .     int c, l;
              .     xmlChar *current = NULL;
              .     xmlEntityPtr ent;
         0.22%+     SHRINK;
         0.03%+     if (NXT(0) == '"') {
         0.00%#         ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE;
              .         limit = '"';
              .         NEXT;
         0.02%+     } else if (NXT(0) == '\'') {
         0.00%#         limit = '\'';
         0.00%#         ctxt->instate = XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE;
         0.27%|         NEXT;
         0.02%|     } else {
              .         ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_STARTED;
         0.00%#         if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->error != NULL))
         0.00%#             ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData, "AttValue: \" or '
         0.00%#         ctxt->wellFormed = 0;
         0.00%#         ctxt->disableSAX = 1;
         0.00%#         return(NULL);
         0.00%#     }
              .     /*
              .      * allocate a translation buffer.
              .      */
         0.00%#     buf_size = XML_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE;
         1.66%|     buf = (xmlChar *) xmlMalloc(buf_size * sizeof(xmlChar));
         0.02%|     if (buf == NULL) {
         0.00%#         perror("xmlParseAttValue: malloc failed");
         0.00%#         return(NULL);
              .     }
              .     /*
              .      * OK loop until we reach one of the ending char or a size
              .      */
         0.13%|     c = CUR_CHAR(l);
         0.00%#     while (((NXT(0) != limit) && /* checked */
        10.03%+            (c != '<')) || (ctxt->token != 0)) {
         0.00%#         if (c == 0) break;
         4.27%|         if (ctxt->token == '&') {
         0.00%#             if (ctxt->replaceEntities) {
              .                 if (len > buf_size - 10) {
              .                     growBuffer(buf);
              .                 }
              .                 buf[len++] = '&';
              .             } else {
              .                 /*
              .                  * The reparsing will be done in xmlStringGetNodeList()
              .                  * called by the attribute() function in SAX.c
              .                  */
         0.00%#                 static xmlChar buffer[6] = "&#38;";
              .                 if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                     growBuffer(buf);
              .                 }
         0.00%#                 current = &buffer[0];
         0.00%#                 while (*current != 0) { /* non input consuming */
         0.00%#                     buf[len++] = *current++;
         0.00%#                 }
         2.85%+                 ctxt->token = 0;
              .             }
              .         } else if (c == '&') {
         0.00%#             if (NXT(1) == '#') {
         0.00%#                 int val = xmlParseCharRef(ctxt);
         0.00%#                 if (val == '&') {
         0.00%#                     if (ctxt->replaceEntities) {
         0.00%#                         if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                             growBuffer(buf);
              .                         }
         0.00%#                         buf[len++] = '&';
         0.00%#                     } else {
              .                         /*
              .                          * The reparsing will be done in xmlStringGetNodeList()
              .                          * called by the attribute() function in SAX.c
              .                          */
         0.00%#                         static xmlChar buffer[6] = "&#38;";
              .                         if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                             growBuffer(buf);
              .                         }
         0.00%#                         current = &buffer[0];
         0.00%#                         while (*current != 0) { /* non input consuming */
         0.00%#                             buf[len++] = *current++;
         0.00%#                         }
         0.00%#                     }
              .                 } else {
         0.00%#                     if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                         growBuffer(buf);
              .                     }
         0.00%#                     len += xmlCopyChar(0, &buf[len], val);
              .                 }
         0.00%#             } else {
         0.00%#                 ent = xmlParseEntityRef(ctxt);
         0.00%#                 if ((ent != NULL) && 
              .                     (ctxt->replaceEntities != 0)) {
         0.00%#                     xmlChar *rep;
              .                     if (ent->etype != XML_INTERNAL_PREDEFINED_ENTITY) {
         0.00%#                         rep = xmlStringDecodeEntities(ctxt, ent->content,
              .                                                       XML_SUBSTITUTE_REF, 0, 0, 0);
         0.00%#                         if (rep != NULL) {
              .                             current = rep;
         0.00%#                             while (*current != 0) { /* non input consuming */
         0.00%#                                 buf[len++] = *current++;
         0.00%#                                 if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                                     growBuffer(buf);
              .                                 }
         0.00%#                             }
         0.00%#                             xmlFree(rep);
              .                         }
         0.00%#                     } else {
         0.00%#                         if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.00%#                             growBuffer(buf);
              .                         }
         0.00%#                         if (ent->content != NULL)
         0.00%#                             buf[len++] = ent->content[0];
              .                     }
              .                 } else if (ent != NULL) {
         0.00%#                     int i = xmlStrlen(ent->name);
              .                     const xmlChar *cur = ent->name;
              .                     /*
              .                      * This may look absurd but is needed to detect
              .                      * entities problems
              .                      */
         0.00%#                     if ((ent->etype != XML_INTERNAL_PREDEFINED_ENTITY) &&
              .                         (ent->content != NULL)) {
         0.00%#                         xmlChar *rep;
              .                         rep = xmlStringDecodeEntities(ctxt, ent->content,
              .                                                       XML_SUBSTITUTE_REF, 0, 0, 0);
         0.00%#                         if (rep != NULL)
         0.00%#                             xmlFree(rep);
         0.00%#                     }
              .                     /*
              .                      * Just output the reference
              .                      */
              .                     buf[len++] = '&';
         0.00%#                     if (len > buf_size - i - 10) {
         0.00%#                         growBuffer(buf);
              .                     }
         0.00%#                     for (;i > 0;i--)
         0.00%#                         buf[len++] = *cur++;
         0.00%#                     buf[len++] = ';';
              .                 }
              .             }
         0.00%#         } else {
        10.42%+             if ((c == 0x20) || (c == 0xD) || (c == 0xA) || (c == 0x9))
         0.80%+                 COPY_BUF(l,buf,len,0x20);
         0.48%|                 if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         0.31%+                     growBuffer(buf);
              .                 }
              .             } else {
         5.05%+                 COPY_BUF(l,buf,len,c);
         3.79%|                 if (len > buf_size - 10) {
         1.54%|                     growBuffer(buf);
              .                 }
              .             }
        21.35%+             NEXTL(l);
              .         }
         9.30%+         GROW;
        24.20%+         c = CUR_CHAR(l);
         2.85%|     }
         0.00%#     buf[len++] = 0;
         0.06%+     if (RAW == '<') {
         0.00%#         ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_LT_IN_ATTRIBUTE;
         0.00%#         if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->error != NULL))
         0.00%#             ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData,
              .                "Unescaped '<' not allowed in attributes values\n");
              .         ctxt->wellFormed = 0;
              .         ctxt->disableSAX = 1;
         0.06%+     } else if (RAW != limit) {
              .         ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FINISHED;
         0.00%#         if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->error != NULL))
         0.00%#             ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData, "AttValue: ' expected\n");
         0.00%#         ctxt->wellFormed = 0;
         0.00%#         ctxt->disableSAX = 1;
         0.00%#     } else
         0.27%|         NEXT;
         0.02%|     return(buf);

              * *********************************************************
              *  Function:                      xmlCurrentChar
              *  Called:                          9138200 times
              *  Function time:                 137073000 cycles (13.09% of
              *  Function+descendants time:     137073000 cycles (13.09% of
              *  Distribution to Callers:
              *   9138200 times xmlParseAttValue
              * *********************************************************
         0.00%# xmlCurrentChar(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, int *len) {
        20.00%|     if (ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF)
         0.00%#         return(0);
        13.33%|     if (ctxt->token != 0) {
         0.00%#         *len = 0;
         0.00%#         return(ctxt->token);
              .     }   
        40.00%|     if ((*ctxt->input->cur >= 0x20) && (*ctxt->input->cur <=
0x7F)) {
              .             *len = 1;
              .             return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);
              .     }
         0.00%#     if (ctxt->charset == XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8) {
              .         /*
              .          * We are supposed to handle UTF8, check it's valid
              .          * From rfc2044: encoding of the Unicode values on UTF-8:
              .          *
              .          * UCS-4 range (hex.)           UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)
              .          * 0000 0000-0000 007F   0xxxxxxx
              .          * 0000 0080-0000 07FF   110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
              .          * 0000 0800-0000 FFFF   1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 
              .          *
              .          * Check for the 0x110000 limit too
              .          */
         0.00%#         const unsigned char *cur = ctxt->input->cur;
              .         unsigned char c;
              .         unsigned int val;
              .         c = *cur;
              .         if (c & 0x80) {
         0.00%#             if (cur[1] == 0)
         0.00%#                 xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);
         0.00%#             if ((cur[1] & 0xc0) != 0x80)
              .                 goto encoding_error;
         0.00%#             if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xe0) {
         0.00%#                 if (cur[2] == 0)
         0.00%#                     xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);
         0.00%#                 if ((cur[2] & 0xc0) != 0x80)
              .                     goto encoding_error;
         0.00%#                 if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xf0) {
         0.00%#                     if (cur[3] == 0)
         0.00%#                         xmlParserInputGrow(ctxt->input, INPUT_CHUNK);
         0.00%#                     if (((c & 0xf8) != 0xf0) ||
              .                         ((cur[3] & 0xc0) != 0x80))
              .                         goto encoding_error;
              .                     /* 4-byte code */
         0.00%#                     *len = 4;
         0.00%#                     val = (cur[0] & 0x7) << 18;
         0.00%#                     val |= (cur[1] & 0x3f) << 12;
         0.00%#                     val |= (cur[2] & 0x3f) << 6;
         0.00%#                     val |= cur[3] & 0x3f;
         0.00%#                 } else {
              .                   /* 3-byte code */
         0.00%#                     *len = 3;
         0.00%#                     val = (cur[0] & 0xf) << 12;
         0.00%#                     val |= (cur[1] & 0x3f) << 6;
         0.00%#                     val |= cur[2] & 0x3f;
              .                 }
         0.00%#             } else {
              .               /* 2-byte code */
         0.00%#                 *len = 2;
         0.00%#                 val = (cur[0] & 0x1f) << 6;
         0.00%#                 val |= cur[1] & 0x3f;
              .             }
         0.00%#             if (!IS_CHAR(val)) {
         0.00%#                 if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) &&
              .                     (ctxt->sax->error != NULL))
         0.00%#                     ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData, 
              .                                      "Char 0x%X out of allowed range\n", val);
         0.00%#                 ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_INVALID_ENCODING;
         0.00%#                 ctxt->wellFormed = 0;
         0.00%#                 ctxt->disableSAX = 1;
              .             }    
         0.00%#             return(val);
              .         } else {
              .             /* 1-byte code */
              .             *len = 1;
              .             if (*ctxt->input->cur == 0xD) {
              .                 if (ctxt->input->cur[1] == 0xA) {
              .                     ctxt->nbChars++;
              .                     ctxt->input->cur++;
              .                 }
              .                 return(0xA);
              .             }
              .             return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);
              .         }
         0.00%#     }
              .     /*
              .      * Assume it's a fixed length encoding (1) with
              .      * a compatible encoding for the ASCII set, since
              .      * XML constructs only use < 128 chars
              .      */
              .     *len = 1;
         0.00%#     if (*ctxt->input->cur == 0xD) {
         0.00%#         if (ctxt->input->cur[1] == 0xA) {
         0.00%#             ctxt->nbChars++;
         0.00%#             ctxt->input->cur++;
              .         }
         0.00%#         return(0xA);
              .     }
              .     return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);
              . encoding_error:
              .     /*
              .      * If we detect an UTF8 error that probably mean that the
              .      * input encoding didn't get properly advertised in the
              .      * declaration header. Report the error and switch the
              .      * to ISO-Latin-1 (if you don't like this policy, just
declare the
              .      * encoding !)
              .      */
         0.00%#     if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->error != NULL)) {
         0.00%#         ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData, 
              .                          "Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !\n");
         0.00%#         ctxt->sax->error(ctxt->userData, "Bytes: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X
              .                         ctxt->input->cur[0], ctxt->input->cur[1],
              .                         ctxt->input->cur[2], ctxt->input->cur[3]);
              .     }
         0.00%#     ctxt->wellFormed = 0;
         0.00%#     ctxt->errNo = XML_ERR_INVALID_ENCODING;
         0.00%#     ctxt->charset = XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1; 
         0.00%#     *len = 1;
        13.33%|     return((int) *ctxt->input->cur);
        13.33%| }

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