Re: [xml] xmlUnlinkProp, xmlAddProp

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:35:16PM +0100, Petr Kozelka wrote:
Hello Daniel,
another two things that would help me implement the standalone DOM attribute wrapper:

- xmlUnlinkProp(xmlAttrPtr): a function that unlinks an attribute from the tree, without destroying it; 
(perhaps this would fit well
into the
existing xmlUnlinkNode?)
- xmlAddProp(xmlNodePtr, xmlAttrPtr): function that adds an existing attribute node to the specified 
element (should this be part of
  Hum, ... right !

Again, I didn't find this functionality in any existing API, hopefully I didn't miss it somewhere
My time is over for today, but if you are interrested I will create and send you patches tomorow; please 
tell me the preferred
  Adding them within xmlUnlinkNode and xmlAddChild seems the best
sine adding new APIs is a problem ATM, and that would be a coherent use of the
API. Adding the capabilities to xmlAddFirstChild/xmlAddLastChild would make
some sense too (though attributes are not supposed to be ordered, but ...)



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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