Re: [xml] Canonical XML

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 12:29:44PM -0800, Aleksey Sanin wrote:

Thanks a lot for your explanations! I think now I understand the main 

namespace nodes have no parent in libxml2 XPath implementation

You mentioned that this is supposed to complain with XPath 2.0 however, 
the current
standard XPath 1.0 has it. Will it be possible to implement this? This 
will require
propagating namespace declaration from parents I also mentioned:


/ > ls (//namespace::*)[parent::e1]

should return both  xmlns=""; and 

  I have been thinking about this issues for a couple months now and
I still don't have a *good* way to get this fixed. Basically the information
would have to go into the XPath node-set because completely changing
the way namespace are represented would be a serious break as well as far
too heavy (i.e. blindly adding namespace nodes for namespaces in scope on every
node, on large documents with large set of predefined namespace like say
an Open Office doc this could amount to hundreds of thousand node used only
for XPath model compatibility, not the way to go).
  So I have one more incentive to get this fixed, but I need to put more 
thinking in this, sorry...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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